Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Waterscape - sunset in Jamaica Nature (untouched by man) - Somewhere in Alaska [COLOR=000080]Which would you choose?[/COLOR]
I would vote for the Alaska image. Gorgeous colors!!! I would love to see the Jamaica one landscape layout with the sun reflection placement following the rule of thirds. Gorgeous gorgeous photos though, they would be fun to edit!! Maybe I should take the kids on a little nature walk and snap some pictures. At least I wouldn't have to beg/bribe the subject for cooperation (like my kids...). :)
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Hi All!

amber....not sure what that is, but if she's feeling better, good it's out! Hope she stays OK!

erin... Great coop! So clean! LOL Nice pics!

delish.... hope your chicks turn out ok.

Colton... Good luck with convincing your folks about the chickens.

cc... Thanks for the pics.I'm sure they're chokecherries now. I should have known but it's been at least 10 years since I picked any.

BBP.... Congrats!!!

Jim... I know it's too late now, but ever have fried elderberry blossoms? My grandparents taught me to make them.

Amy... cute quackers! Good news for your friend, lets hope it ends with that!

Yea, my "guard turkeys" can be quite the pair! They have escorted me a few times, either one in front and one in back or one on each side. One time 2 of the hens joined in and the 5 of us had a turkey parade! Cracked my son up to no end! I'm sure it would make a YouTube worthy video!
And yes. I can see over their heads! (If I don't bend over

Looks like I got to set up some wire cages.... I have another broody! The one that's been broody I was just taking the eggs and let her be, but now with another one I'll try breaking them. Kinda too bad. The one that just went broody I was hoping would have been broody this spring, I think she'd be a good momma.

Ok, must sleep, must get food tomorrow/today.... Night All!
Congrats Yvette on the win. Me and my daughter usually enter photos in fair but this year it will be just her.

Got the call Thursday my insurance has approved my surgery for tonsil removal, uvula removal, and my nasal cavity shaved for August 14th. This is normally a outpatient surgery but with my lupus and risk for strokes they are making me stay overnight. Kinda nervous and but really looking forward to being able to breath more and maybe sleep at night.

Spent Wed and Thurs at a friends helping organize her chickens. She is overrun and didn't have them in the best conditions I don't feel. I built 2 brooders out of some culvert parts that were left on her property when they purchased. They are about 5 feet across and were cut into 2 ft tall pieces. I took wire to cover them and made doors for feed/water access. She had 35 chicks 6 weeks old in a pen 2'x3'and were very over crowded and she doesn't clean the like they should be as they are overwhelmed with other animals. Also moved the 2 Billy goats to a pig pen with grass to eat. Yesterday I moved all hens/roos to one coop as she has 2 coops but only 1 run. I built a nice new run for the one coop but back started hurting too bad to finish the second. My hands are blistered from cutting wire and tore both tendons in my tennis elbow. She also had 2 broody hens with chicks packed into very small kennels so I built them a run to share about 8x8the so they could get fresh air and ground
feeding. Shes not a bad person, her and her husband can't have kids so she's driven that into animals and has clearly gotten too many. Her husband works mostly 6 days a week and they never have enough time. Im trying to convince them that they are getting to the point of neglecting that if they cut back they won't be so overwhelmed and they can enjoy their animals. They have 42 hens, 5 roos, 50+chicks, 4 pigs, 7 cows, 1 calf, 1 llama, 7 goats and 40+ rabbits, which isn't much for some but these are very overcrowded in their housing so im trying to help that and give them some teaching in the process without offend them. Its a hard situation knowing them for so long. Besides they have 7 bull mastiffs and a mutt dog and many cats. They spend every cent for feed and they get fed pretty well, its just their living spaces aren't appropriate. Ok im done ranting about this. Have to go back in a few days to finish other coop run and maybe get the pigs moved to a bigger pen.
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I preferred the Alaska pic because of the colors, composition, and subject matter. The abstract reflection in the lake is stunning. The other pic (no offense) looks like something from a travel brochure..... I like it but it is very commercial. Who was judging the photographs?

Going to meet the boss for lunch today. It will be nice to see him.

Gotta call the Dean so you all enjoy the day. I will enjoy reading your adventures!
You might want the full "scoop" on sand in the coop before going forward. Took me a bit to find the correct podcast from from dr Peter Brown, aka the Chicken Doctor. ( sorry) It's the 24 June episode of the Chicken Whisperer show. However, wouldn't you know it, "Fresh Eggs Daily"s blog this morning has the whole story. Highly recommend you read IMHO.
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I'm glad I have some agreement on the subject. The Alaska picture got nothing, not even a 3rd place ribbon. The Jamaica one has 3 ribbons hanging on it. Including grand champion.

No offense on the Alaska photo Yvette, but I would say because you should of straightened the photo. Doesn't the judge write notes with each judging as to what would make it a better photo? Me and my daughter have a photo club here in Rusk Cty and are also members of the PSA and they give you alot of information on composition, quality and storytelling ability.
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good morning, I chose the Jamaica picture,, however I love the ocean more than mountains.
I always loved to see the sun set into the ocean,, sort of like putting it out for the night..
I always expected to see steam rise..

got to get to town and back quickly.. have people coming for chickens.. (I hope) and I want to get the lawn mower blades sharpened and get that back together today..

have to deliver 15 keets to Marlene sometime , too..

cuppa must be done by now.. gonna go partake.


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