Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Who ordered this?????


Anyone going to the swap in Wega Saturday?
goof friday afternoon,

GS Kalib was still snowed in this morning, I pulled him free with the 4wd pickup. then I got Ollie out and plowed the driveway real good. I got stuck 5 times.. that snow was greasy ..

only 2 eggs, I think I will start closing the chicken coop door at night. I think the dog/dogs are helping themselves to the eggs from the nest .

it sure was a nice day today.

more news from this area. the FBI arrested a lady who they were searching for for over 15 years.. she was living in what was a former tavern just a couple of miles from our house. In fact, I had my 18th birthday party at that beer bar.. back then there were beer bars and you had to be only 18 yrs old to go in..

I like the feathers on the egg decorations.. sometimes I get them like naturally from the nest ..

Hi All!

Thanks for the info on the feather eggs.

Got a scare tonight. 2nd son came over about 6:30 with a load of wood for us. That was fine, but he brought his dog! The girls were heading to roost, and most were in but there were a couple still out when he let the dog out! She chased after them but didn't catch any before she was caught and brought back in. Took almost an hour but found 2 very scared hens. I hope that was all that was.

Night All!
well ? who was right and who was wrong ?

I have a new frying pan tempering in a 300F oven..
it is one of those Red Copper ones you see on TV.

I am going to experiment with it for making dinner rolls.
I will give the results ..

almost all the snow is melted. a little on the muddy side, .
lots of water for the chickens to drink, I don't have to carry waterers .

the 19 chickens, 6 guineas and 2 geese
are eating about 2 1/2 gallons of feed per day..

.......jiminwisc....... .

the rolls are rising,, a half hour to kill before I pup them into the oven,
I have two of those pans, buy one get one free.. there are 9 rolls in each pan,.

I hope they turn out OK .

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Kindofamelter today here...nice egg pics for sure. Gonna be at church by 5am in the mornin to scramble some eggs and ham...just 60 doz to crack and 12lbs of ham to go with....it will be fun as always....hopin for a good turn out after all the work.

Time for grillin some pork steak.....gonna be early to bed tonight!



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