Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I'm back!

FT.... sorry about your hen... bet she was pretty too.
D@mn Bird!
Glad the pony is doing so good!

Tomski... I like the idea of the chicken dace! Make sure you have good music and everyone wears name tags!

Jim.... a nice crisp tail and fins are an added bonus! Fish Chips!
Besides, when it's cooked with fin on, when you pull it off you have your entrance point to the good sweet meat! We lived across the street from the river and my grandfather took me fishing on one of the lakes often. Years ago when I delivered papers (rural car route) on Sundays I would often take my fishing stuff and fish when I was done with the papers. I loved that quiet time to myself!
Ruddy dose allot of false alarm barking! He's got to get used to the "household sounds" yet! However maybe you should check your dog's ears for an infection.... Duke seems to be more sensitive when he first gets one.

equine.... I don't thin I've seen you here yet.... but then.... the memory is going!
No frost here yet, but pretty cold tonight. Should be warming up a bit.

CC....Glad you had a good time! Gee... if you were in LG you were just a few miles from me! Could have been here in 10 min.!

Well, I spent over an hour trying to get the kitten out of a tree last night (mon.)! She snuck out when I was trying to get the dogs in! Then ruddy spotted her and she headed for the tree!
Little Sh!t! I wanted to get to bed early!

Night All!
Beautiful Morning All! FT sorry to hear your hen didn't make it, your description was too good. Dang near had me in tears. Tomski agree wih you the boys will get old enough to take interest in the hens soon then it'll be whoa Nellie! Cind I ate fins and skins on for most of my life then the BFF taught me how fillet. Jim if I have any extra fish I could swing by and drop some off on the way home...... don't think I'll be dropping by.
Will wait till rush hour is over in Wausau before leaving tomorrow AM. Gonna have a huge load in the boat and Jeep this trip, need to get some firewood up there and will leave the boat there as an incentive to go back up. Ask fm and BCC where and WHEN the swap in Kellner is. A couple of years ago we all went.... a week early. It was posted wrong on a site it wasn't till the following weekend. But we had fun in the gas station parking lot. Turns out that the girls aren't weed layers still only got 1-2 eggs a day so I cut em loose. Peatwo told me he was not happy about his incarceration and that I better not EVER do that again.
Spent most of yesterday in the kitchen. Canned 15 half pints of L's salsa and made 5 pints of grape jelly plus did all the dishes. Took a little walk and got enough corn to cook on the grill up nort too. If the field is still standing then I'll put some in the freezer. Good stuff! Got some eggs from Donny and am pre making breackfast burritos. Just heat eat and fish.
Bunch of stuff to do today. Gotta pack up boy are the cats gonna be PO'd!
good morning, after a half hour of messing around.. post reply box was empty, so I had to get a new password and log-in..

here is something my cousin just sent to me.:

For your Information


Manure... An interesting fact and your lesson of the week

Manure : In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported

by ship and it was also before the invention of commercial fertilizers, so large shipments of manure were quite common.

It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, not only did it become heavier, but

the process of fermentation began again, of which a byproduct is methane gas of course. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen.

Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening.

After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the instruction

Stow high in transit ' on them,

which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.

Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T �, (Stow High In Transit) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.

You probably did not know the true history of this word.

Neither did I.

I had always thought it was a golf or billiards or bingo term.

Hey Jim, I was thinking about where Deb could be. Either she has frozen solid, or maybe she spent the entire weekend power-shopping for down comforters and long underwear. After all, I do distinctly remember her mentioning that when they lived down in FL, she had to go put on a sweater one night because the temp dipped down to 80 one evening. Boy, is she ever going to be in for a rude awakening as to what "cold" really is.

Just joshing, Deb! You know we luv ya!
Here's a link to some really nice wool longies, although you might want the "expedition" weight ones:

Well it must be Monday today... DH called me to say that the truck stopped dead when he was trying to turn off to get to his 1st stop- so now he is blocking one turning lane waiting for a tow truck and I am sitting in a parking lot waiting to follow once the truck is loaded up...he's not sure what went, maybe fuel system or engine- of course it is a 2002 model so everything is computerized...have to see what it will take to fix it!!!

Thanks for the laugh Jim
sure needed it this am!
That comment just sounded too funny to me. And I agree, TO! If you like them mushy, maybe make/eat applesauce?
Oops! DrH beat me to it.

And here most of us from WI have never even heard of it. Guess we're too busy on our chicken chat room.

Not quite soup weather just yet, FT, but it's a comin'. And BTW FT, maybe you have a sinus infection? If your teeth start hurting next, then you've definitely got one. And if that's the case, you better get some antibiotics pronto. Those bad boys can linger for months if left untreated. Oh, FT, I am so sorry to hear about your BR hen.

Without a doubt, you lucky guy!
Good tune too. Bigz, by any chance would Suzie care to share her stewed tomato recipe? Please?

You do realize I will never hear the end of that, right?

Oh, no! Is he the black & white roo? He's so pretty. I sure wish you were closer.

That's the exact same way we used to make panfish too when we went up north. Fins & tail on, dip in egg & flour & fry em up.

It rained down here all darn day on Saturday for DH's family reunion, starting with a wicked thunderstorm around 5:30 AM. It was nasty, but at least we didn't have any damage. So sorry to hear from those of you that did. The reunion was still very nice, with TONS of food, so I got to bring home some chickie bags!
Yesterday was a little chilly and very cloudy, but we went for a bike ride with some friends anyway. It was fun. We cruised around the Lake Geneva area this time, looking at some of the houses on the lake. Sure must be rough to have that kind of cash.

Today DH finally got the grass cut, or should I say weeds? The grass wasn't bad since it is just recovering from being brown for the past couple of weeks, but the dandelions were nice & tall.
For dinner we went back by SIL's house, and no, we didn't have leftovers. Her Sicilian hubby made us all homemade pizzas on the grill. Just to die for! And I really should be in bed right now because we are getting up at the a**crack of dawn to ride down to New Glarus for a brewery tour. MIL's one brother is still in town from ID & he is a brewery tour fanatic. He just loves those small craft-beer breweries. So I better scoot. Hope everyone had a safe & happy holiday!
Sweet dreams, all!

You are going to be in my town today... too bad I am working.. would have loved a good brew. If you are a sissy like me, they have a seasonal beer called cranberry Bic that is delish! Have to like a fruity beer, but it is so good and wheaty too. Great resteraunts in town too! Enjoy the day!

Well I survived the weekend. Kids first day of 4k on friday, birthday party/family cookout with 40 people in my house since it rained on Saturday and then Sunday a friends kids bday party bowling with 5 year olds. Then baking 40 cupcakes for them to take to their classes today for birthday treats.... I am wiped out and glad to be back to work today. I think my BO finally is laying at 24 weeks of age. Had a small, soft shelled egg that was in there. Pretty sure it was hers. Got to get her some more oyster shells in there. Enjoying the cooler weather though! Have a great day everyone
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Well hi everyone! Yup...nice and cool here...I can tell it is because I have a cat on my lap and two trying to get underneath my typing arms! (so annoying!) What else that is annoying this AM is that the race was postponed until this morning because of the wet so I cant listen to my fave radio station while working in the house this morning!
So maybe I will just NOT clean that darn fridge out! Took me quit a while (like an hour) to read all that was posted since Friday...thank God that most people were off doing other stuff!
We stayed home...Dh had to go to work on Saturday and Sunday. I saw a movine with my BFF (it was fantastic) and then watched 2 more on HBO. We did braats yesterday and I made some GF Foccacia for my "bun" which was also really good! Yesterday I took DD19 and her BF back to Madison to school and I spent the day there trying to find a first year calendar to make for her friend that is expecting a baby next month. (decided to just make on on my puter and finally use some of the scrap booking stuff I have around here!) Did a bunch of shopping/looking at Hyvee...sure love that grocery store!

You all better STOP talking about fresh fish! When we camped as a kid that was pretty much all my Dad would make to eat! MMMM! I am like you Cind--learned to take out the bones by the time I was 3! When DH and I got married he cracked me up cause he had NO IDEA how to open up a bluegill to eat! I had probably 4 eaten by the time he got done playing with the head! We always had them with the heads on...OOOHH and the FINS! MMMMMM! Man am I hungry for fresh gills! OK--maybe I will have to get my pole out and try out that new fishing license I got at the bash! YUP--I have the day off tomorrow and I just think I may be heading down to the lake! Now that I told all of you I have to be committed to going right?
Sure hope I catch at least one! It has been a while....

OK I better get outside and see what's up out there...I have a hen that just wont get better...I saw her in the coop with a bubbly eye so I put her in the hospital crate and gave her Tylan50 in her water for 4 days...no improvement. I let her rest for 2 days and have not treated her with Sulmet for another 6 days...as of yesterday I have still seen no improvement! Her nares are swollen and she has stuff coming out of them that is stinky like infection. Looks just like my Royal Palm did that cleared up with the Tylan....any ideas what to try next? She is a good layer (not now though) and is quite young...dont really NEED to save her but I think this has become a challenge now after 3 weeks!
Thanks! Have a fantastic day...Terri O
Afternoon all, been away so many days I won't even try at the moment to catch up on everything... will just say... congrats, how awesome, that's wonderful, so sorry and great job and welcome, that should just about cover any and all events!

Stopped in the home care place on Monday and got put to work within 2 hours, with a months worth of assignments and worked my other job too, meant some 10 hour days, but I won't complain. And I sold a puppy and put an extra $100.00 in next weeks pay check... YAY!

Had about 20 folks/kids here on Sunday and had a great time, laughed til I cried and my sides hurt and went to bed totally exhausted. Today took DH to UW Hospital for ultrasound (down the throat and thru the tummy) to look at the growth on his pancreas. Has to have another ultrasound (regular kind) in about 8 to 12 weeks to see if it's changed. Right now he's pretty drugged up and sleeping when he's not vomiting... poor boy. He's so hysterical when he's on drugs... when he woke up in recovery he heard someone talking about a treat someone made and brought in for their co-workers (he assumed it was cake) and kept yelling at them that it wasn't nice to eat in front of patients and to bring him some. When he could stand up I had to block him from going to find it...which was hard cuz I was laughing so hard I could barely see... nothing like good entertainment.

Well, off to catch up on some things around here... I'll try to get back later today or tomorrow and catch up on everyone.


OH and Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr who turned off the heat?????
Oh my my.

I have to update my siggy line and info. We have cut down waaaay down on livestock numbers- we are living on one income and I am staying home with the wee one. (10 months!!!)

We are down to two goats and a handful of chickens- 14 I think? Of course i still have my collie dawg... and I am a mama to a litter of 3 orphan kittens.. but my beloved old 18 yo quarter horse was just euthanized. I had him since he was 2 days old. The vet diagnosed abscess, the farrier said abscess, nope, it was fullblown laminitis and he foundered. Not fair.

Had a heck of a garden this year, and had a blast having my kiddos home for the whole summer instead of sending them away to care. We went fishing, my lil girl discovered her tomboy side, and I got to watch my son grow.

40 quarts of pickles, 20 of sauce and tomatoes, frozen peaches, and for the first time this year.... homegrown pork. WOW, does it taste different when it is off your backyard. It is denser and dryer... the bacon is delicious, reminds me of Irish bacon.

Take care all!

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