Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

hi all, not much to post about from here..

$230.oo/doz !!! just what exactly is the matter with people ??

at that price every single one of them had better hatch..

speaking of hatching; I have 4 seb goose eggs in the incubator.. and today we collected 2 more.. that means that both seb geese are laying.. they are using the same nest in the hay shelter.. I am so happy I could dance,,, but I won't ,, we don't need any more snow..

My brother and his three sons each bagged bucks on opening day.. sort of cut their season short.

I didn't hunt this year.. we have plenty of food/meat... but that did not stop Annie from asking Brian if he was going to butcher a steer this winter.. NO MORE FREEZERS !!!!!!!!

Wow. That's just crazy. For eggs that might not even hatch. BBP, what breed were the ones you bought?

Well, that was another ugly Packer win today. I sure wish the D would get in a rythem & stay there. But a win is a win, I guess. Hopefully the Thanksgiving game will be better, but we've got a short week to get ready for it.

No Jim or DrH today? What is up with that? Hello? Was that an echo I heard?
Come on, boys! Where are ya? TO lost her shadow.
Jumping in again and posting to say HI I am alive.
We had a great summer.... I planted a huge garden and it came forth with more vegetables than the family could eat. I brought some in to my old workplace.
My baby is now 1 year old, and adorable. I am so thankful for her (she came a year after a stillbirth) that I didn;t put her down for almost 8 months. She is still abig cuddlebug but now walking a bit and more independent. My other kids, 11 year old boy and 7 year old girl. are doing great.

I am a bit puzzled by my chooks- I bought 9 orpington/barred rock chicks in May last year and they still aren't laying. I am most frustrated, and using lights to try to urge them a bit.

My horse bud of 18 years died of sudden, acute laminitis. I thought he was laminitic but the vet kept saying no, he has no reason to founder, this is an abcess. Finally I made her take an x ray (6 weeks after treatment started) and yea, he was horribly foundered. I raised that horse from a baby and it kills me to lose him. I have an empty pasture now, but I plan on buying a Gypsy vanner when I can find one for a reasonable price.

My dog is now novice agility trained.

Good to drop in and see the Wisconsinites!!
Hello Little Farm... where are you abouts?

Update- baby chick and momma are doing great here.

I will take the pack win.
Kids only have one day of school this week and I think it might drive me nuts... my SIL, the soap opera is going to be staying with us for a few days with her kids so that will be interesting. Otherwise trying to figure out what to serve for the day after Thanksgiving. Apps and cold cuts. Nothing too thrilling.

Hope everyone stayed warm today!
Good evening again! Welcome back LF_BH! Havent heard from you in a while! Glad all is good! Got the last batch of beans in the jars and the canner is exhausting now...only 90 or so mins to bed! LOL! Our multiple meat chili was great and my bread was good too! I was able to save enough to make the croutons for the brussels sprouts casserole on T-day! Whoo-hoo, the dogs didnt get it! YEAH!

So I have to go out and lock up yet and I am really tired! Congrats on all of those that got their deer today! Great job! Freezers full for the winter...a good thing!

OK--time to time the beans! Good night! Terri O
Hi all!

CC... I think DrH is hunting.

FT... glad you made it back! LOL

little.... So sorry about your horse. I know what you mean about not wanting to put the baby down. I lost my 2nd to SIDS. With the 3 kids I had after I didn't sleep until they were 2! Didn't want to leave them anywhere either!

Well, lanced the guinea's wound tonight. Went very well!
I'm glad I had her on antibiotics for so long before hand. What drained was nice and clear. I'll keep it squeezed out and in a couple of days she should be good to join her friends!
I think she even see out of that eye now!

Made Spaetzle for supper out of what cabbage the chickens left us
Came out real good! It's been over a year since I made it last.

Might be on later.
I guess I shouldn't have used invisible type for my last post..

Annie was in the basement and told me that there were two chickens in a window well.. I went out and caught them and put them into the coop.. I wonder how long this will keep up..?

Hey TerriO, Pack won another one,, that should put you into a good mood, eh ?

we had pea soup and ho-made bread for supper. Red Robin !!!Yummmm.......

would somebody please read this to CC for me ?

Sorry Jim. Like you never were composing while someone else was posting. Yeah right!
Or I could blame it on my selective vision.
Always bustin' my chops..........

We had a pork roast and ho-made chicken noodle soup for dinner. Yum!

Cind, so sorry to hear about your 2nd. How awful.
And congrats on the surgery. I'm glad it went well.

I think I'll be headed to bed early tonight. (Yeah, right. Like that will happen). Haven't been sleeping well the past few nights. I sure hope that stops soon.
Sweet dreams, all!

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