Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Gentle Evening To All... A ton of hours spent in the ladder stand...23 hours and more to come.

Lucky win for the Pack again! I think we should run the D..CC....what the heck? My call for the big game is Turkey Day.... Oh My are we in for a real game....I'd love to be way wrong

Congrats on all the deer you guys are baggin! The harvest is up this year and you guys are the reason. We only have one eight pointer and a mature doe so far. The loggers are working on my leased 40 and the 40 next door. The neighbors without the loggers are having a grand time. I just love guys who say that loggers don't bother the deer! They don't spend much time in the real woods! 8 sawyers a skidder and a processer...yep the deer don't even notice
Raiquee...glad you have some tender viddles to enjoy!

Sad to me you aren't hunting Doc...glad you are happy not going too! If it ain't fun, don't do it , eh!

It takes us awhile to do our deer. Sis is particular for sure. Check out this guy gutting and skinning in 3 minutes. Is this how you do it Jim?

Yep the bowler meat market is where I take my meat for sausage. Must be clean boned out venzun...they don't cut up any deer...just pork and beef.

Later.... bigz
Hi all...hopefully she has something easily corrected with meds H&R...not kidney failure or liver or something bad like that! Sounds like thyroid is having a good run according to our vet...he says the stuff runs in streaks...weird!
DrH--I new what you meant when you said Nubber...isnt that what they are called?
Maybe I just know how to read DrH-ese?

We used to have a really nice cockatiel here...he whistled the Andy Griffith song in it's entirety. I guess that is not real unusual for them! I am with FT--they should have a few house chickens...they dont bite as hard!

Lori--where are you? Must have been a busy day at work?
I saw some fellow master gardeners at the grocery store...they are bringing their truck to get some compost to make raided beds for West Elementary. Last year they did a butterfly garden there and there were many kids that had NEVER gardened before! Imagine what they will think when they grow their own veggies next year!? It makes me feel sad when kids have no idea where their food comes from.

Congrats on the deer Raiq's DH! YES! MEAT! It is a good thing. I know how all of you feel when the freezer is FULL. Must be something that happens in your soul...
Jim--I have one of those waterers but it is the really big one...I think 7 gal? (maybe 13?) The "O" ring never worked properly...I went back and they gave me a new one and it has worked like a champ ever since! Well, as long as I make sure the hole is pointing to the "downside" of the waterer. If it is on the high side it will just leak out the whole amount...yup, that happened when the fam was taking care of the stock....
Well, I think the chops are done. I have to make the Hollandaise for the cauliflower...forgot the fresh parsley for the potatoes
Later all! Terri O

(PS) Carol--I hope you figured out something for the trailer lights!
Well the test came back and the blood work and urine are within the normal limits, which is good but kind of puts us back a square one! We are going to try several things and see what happens- we are putting her back on Rimydal to help control any pain she might have because of the spin bone spurs. We are also mixing in puppy chow with the food she is eating to see if that helps the weight issue. If we can get her to stop losing wieght that will be a good thing! Guess time will tell.
good evening, I cannot watch U-tube on my dial up msn B S equipment.. but I take more than 3 minutes to skin a deer.. I could do it faster than I do, if I didn't mind rippiing the meat off with the hide.. I could tie the hide to a car bumper and just raise the bucket on the tractor,, I could maybe then skin one out in 3 minutes or less..

TO, it must be a 5 gal one.. I have never seen one larger than that.. I have a 5 gal one also, but it is so heavy to carry.. I think a 13 gal one would be 4 feet tall.. and weigh about 104 pounds full.. If I told you once, I told you 8 million times, don't exagerate !!

yes, i learned the hole trick also.. level or to the downside..

tonight the young peahen and one of the adult peahens were sitting up on the gate header.. I got the young one to get on my arm and gave her an escort to the roost inthe chicken coop.. then I went back for the adult girl.. she also got onto my arm and rode a few feet before jumping to the ground.. but she did not run away.. so I herded her into the coop also..

the door was wide open, so it was cold in there.. the heater was running.. at least I know it turns on properly.. I hope it shuts off at 45F..

we have 10 goose eggs now..
I have to put 6 more into the bator tonight..

H &R send your dog here for awhile,, believe me, there is nothing in this homestead underweight

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Hey all- I'm in Evansville WI.

Dinner was beef vegetable soup- from neck bones from Sashay Acres humane Jersey beef- and it took a long time to carve out all the meat from that gristle and bone, It was worth it though. The soup had homegrown carrots, parsley, parsnips, and potatoes in it as well. I have already used up all my onions... I will plant about a hundred next year.
Ummmm can I just saw-I feel completely surrounded by "deer talk"? I came on BYC for a break only to hear more deer talk!!! LOL My SO thinks its hilarious! So about those chickens........tad chilly out for my babies!!!
Had to wipe down the screen after that one, after I quit choking, that is. Thanks, Jim. You and my mother have something in common. She even managed to have pudgie parakeets when I was a kid.

Angie, you think they're bad with the deer? Then whatever you do, do NOT mention horses. Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a CHICKEN chat room, people!
Would that be pudgie budgies?

H&R, I hope the vet finds out what is ailing your beautiful dog real soon. That is a terrible feeling, not knowing what to do for them.
When my sister's dog started losing weight, she started cooking more "people" food for her. Maybe some fattier meats? Duck, goose? No Jim, I am not playing a game.
CC> duck duck goose,, RUN !!!

H&R, my money is on the pain.. If your dog is in pain, I'll bet that is why it is losing weight..

No, byc is a chicken group,, cheeseheads is talk about anything.
even headcheese.. and lately, mealworm recipes..

who has more fun than a barrell of cheeseheads ??
more cheeseheads !!

early to bed tonight,, I woke up before 5am today.. well, maybe just one more Miller.. can't stop on an uneven number.. new rule I just made up..

If this cold weather persists, I am going to have to switch to long pants and warmer socks with my sandles.. right Deb?


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