Wish me luck: course tomorrow to teach me how to do the deed.


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
A few months ago, I booked up for me and my 18yo son to attend a day course to learn how to kill and dress ducks and rabbits. Tomorrow is the day!

Seemed like a great idea when I booked it ....
Thank you, sourland. Yes, I will definately report back ... this will be the only place I'll be able to talk about it (squeemish OH).
I didnt know they had classes like that. I wish I had one I could go to. We process our chickens and turkeys in 1-2 weeks and I think Im prepared but Im nervous. Good luck in your class and I cant wait to hear what you learn.
Maybe it's a UK thing, chicken pickin?

It was well worth going: the guy was very well experienced and knowledgable.

Both my son, and I, made amateurist mistakes, but, that is what it is fundamentally about: instruction, doing, reviewing! The guy was soooo reassuring (and forgiving) of any of our perceived shortfalls; and hugely complimentary of our strengths.

Very much worth the money; the time; the experience and, put plainly, the confidence boost!!

I can DO this!!!!!!!
Today we get to eat our spoils
We only got to bring the rabbits home (the ducks were already bagsied). The proof of the pudding as they say. If my family enjoy the meal, I can see rabbit breeding on the horizon. They are much easier to process and deal with than ducks

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