Wondering if my chickens have sour crop?


Aug 5, 2023
I caught two of my hens have a white mucus exit their mouths today, it was cloudy and it seemed to just fall out, they didnt cough it up or anything. i researched and i read it could be sour crop? ive noticed recently one has had some ruffled feathers, and the two that threw up have had bad diarrhea. i live in texas so i thought it was the heat, but i checked her crop and it felt very full and squishy, like i could feel all the seeds inside or something. i checked the other girls crop and it wasnt AS bad but still pretty squishy. i read to quarantine them, and have them fast for 24 hours, and give them apple cider vinegar or epson salt. is it sour crop or could it be something else?

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