Wood Duck Thread!


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
I thought it’d be cool to start a wood duck thread for these amazing ducks!!!!
You can tell stories, share pictures, talk about this breed, etc.!!!!!

So I’ll start!
I have a single Wood duck drake named Kevin Potawatomi! He was hatched April 24 of this year. He did have 9 other hatch mates, but none of them made it sadly. So he’s a survivor out of 1/10!!! I seriously didn’t expect him to make it! Anyway, he has found a mate for spring (he fell in love with a hen from my flock, well she was actually raised with him)!! And she’s one of my favorite ducks I have because of his story (I just made it extremely short lol)!! Oh! And he weighs 1.5lbs!!!

That's so precious. I have a Muscovy female that hatched Runners in 2016 and ever since has made them her family, she's 9 years old and runs right along with them every day. Sleeps in their house instead of with the Muscovy. The Runners and Buffs are her flock. ❤️
That's so precious. I have a Muscovy female that hatched Runners in 2016 and ever since has made them her family, she's 9 years old and runs right along with them every day. Sleeps in their house instead of with the Muscovy. The Runners and Buffs are her flock. ❤️
That’s adorable. ❤️

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