Wood shavings —


Jul 19, 2021
Lexington, KY
My Coop
My Coop
I know Cedar is a confirmed No-No for chicken bedding; but what about using a Mix of Walnut & Maple shavings? I got a lead on some free shavings and thought it might be nice to throw down in the covered outdoor run that butts-up to their coop…

Any thoughts? 💬
Thanks friends!
— Johnna : )
Just be careful in a coop as the woodworker shavings can be dusty. A wood shop I worked for saved shavings/ dust for a chicken farm and they wood wet down the shavings a bit to knock the dust down.
it's from wood turning so not so much sawdust etc, just thin pieces of wood. not too dusty but I don't dump a ton in there at a time.

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