Wood type & width for predator proof chain link dog kennel?


13 Years
May 8, 2011
Is there a general guideline on what kind of wood/how thick it needs to be to keep out foxes/raccoons?

I need a stronger wood around the top of the walls, where the walls meet the bottom of the roof basically, but I'm not sure what to get and after doing some googling I can't find anything. Everything talks about what gauge wire to get but not on what thickness wood! I'm worried about foxes/raccoons gnawing through so want to make sure I get the right thing.
If you want something really sturdy, perhaps 2"x8" boards.

Can you get a photo of the tops of the walls?

I put half inch metal 16 gauge hardware cloth across the top of the duck house to keep predators out. I fastened it with washers and screws every 12 inches, and with poultry nails every 3 or 4 inches in between.
good day to you. I am also building a suitable pen for chickens and am saddled with living in a national forest far from any city. Which means i have very strong predators. You have two choices. Wood, for which i would choose treated 4 x 4s for the top and posts. Dog Kennel sections may be affixed quite stoutly to these. Bury each post with a good nine inch post hole and dig the hole 12 inches deeper than u want to bury the post. Place a good bucket of 3/4 gravel at the bottom of the post hole so the post end is not sitting in water, will insure u a very long life for the post.

the other option is the following; Recycling businesses usually have a store of used well drilling sections, which are very stout 3 inch wide , some are four, and these can be welded up with well casing posts for an impenetrable perimeter. they run 20 - 30 buck for each 20 foot section. Spendy but only a dedicated BULL could get thru.

Im my country , unless your fence is 9 foot high the deer simply rock back on their hind leg and hop over any 6 foot fence. Deer dont eat chickens but sure will eat the feed. and cause havoc with feeders.

Hope that helps. I wish u luck. Its fun enjoying the finish product.

Im my country we have to protect the over head from chicken hawks and eagles and flacons. So a good hardware cloth with bracing insures no visitors allowed.


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