wooden pellets or wood shavings


8 Years
Mar 21, 2011
i'm just wondering which is better, which is easier to clean up after. include your experiences as well if you want too.
Are we talking about bedding for chickens? If so we use wood shavings. We chip it ourself that way we do not have to buy it at the feedstore constantly. Just be sure that you don't get cedar shavings as they are not good for chickens. I have never used wood pellets for my chickens, so I cannot comment on them.
We switched to wood pellets and you don't have to clean them up as much as you would with the wood shavings, so they last longer so that you don't have to clean the coop as much as you would with the wood shavings. I also read somewhere that they're healthier than the wood shavings and don't cause respiratory problems like wood shavings can do because they have less dust.
Just know...that if you have your pens on flat wood or linoleum...you and wood pellets will have a similar effect to that of marbles on the floor.

Go ahead...ask me how I know.

Shavings for me!
We use a mix. Because of the rumor I think may be true, about marbles on the floor and all that. Go ahead Rodriguez, ask me why I think this rumor may be true.
thanx guys for your opinions, I'll have to get some pellets next just to try it out and i only will use it for the brooder box

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