Woods-style house in the winter

Do you worry about having an open window like that close to predators? That's the thing that's giving me pause on this coop.

All of the windows are covered by hardware cloth. The screening is contained by the trim boards around the windows. Nothing short of a bear is getting into this coop. I have predators around. I've had daylight fox attacks when the chickens were out. I've trapped numerous coons, and "Relocated" them. I'd wager you are looking at one of the most secure coops on this site. NO shortcuts taken here.
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I like the clerestory windows. I might one day build a clerestory type shed as a main coop. What type of roofing do you use?

The upper windows really brighten up the inside, and when they are open in the warmer months, help with the ventilation. The roof is just asphalt shingles over tar paper.
Try this one: http://www.archive.org/details/openairpoultryho00wood

If it doesn't work for some reason, go to www.archive.org and search for open-air poultry. I chose the one with 463 downloads because one of the other ones wouldn't download for me.

Thank you so much for this link, it worked!! Wow what an awesome book! I think I will buy it anyways, but just flipping through it already answered some of my questions construction-wise...I love old books too, this one looks like a good one to have... And a great website too!! Thanks again, going to start reading now
Ok, now I read you used hardware cloth.

We are thinking of putting the nesting boxes under the roost. I found some cafeteria trays I plan to put on the next boxes so I can take them out and rinse them off into my compost pile. I love the "sand box" area too.

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