Worming Chickens with Zimecterin Gold


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2019
I have 19 chickens and am wanting to deworm them using Zimecterin Gold. I have no idea how much I can give them/mix in their water. The plunger/syringe of the wormer appears to be in increments of 50 with the plunger going up to 1250 lbs. Does anyone know how much (notches on the plunger/syringe) I can mix in their water and how many gallons of water? Thank you!
I have 19 chickens and am wanting to deworm them using Zimecterin Gold. I have no idea how much I can give them/mix in their water. The plunger/syringe of the wormer appears to be in increments of 50 with the plunger going up to 1250 lbs. Does anyone know how much (notches on the plunger/syringe) I can mix in their water and how many gallons of water? Thank you!
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Are you treating tapeworms?

Zimectrin Gold horse paste is dosed individually by weight, you don't mix it in water. Dosage is 0.06 ml per pound of weight given orally once then repeat in 10-14 days.
Welcome To BYC

Are you treating tapeworms?

Zimectrin Gold horse paste is dosed individually by weight, you don't mix it in water. Dosage is 0.06 ml per pound of weight given orally once then repeat in 10-14 days.

Yes, treating tapeworms. So if I have a 5 lb chicken how much would I give? Thank you for your help.

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