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@willy546 Not sure how many birds you have, but if you don't have that many, you might want to think about getting a baseline weight on them, then weigh them every few months. Weight loss and worms almost always go hand-in-hand. You're also a step ahead because you have found a vet that will do fecals for you, so stay on top of that. A friend of mine will gather a bunch of fresh poop from as many birds as possible, put it in a baggie, mix well and take it to a vet.

Kathy, what is this product, when should it be used and how does one use it?
Kathy, what is this product, when should it be used and how does one use it?
The Oxine AH and Oxine Pro are very similar to the Oxy E-100 and Anthium Dioxcide. Chemistry is not my "thing", so I cannot really comment other than to point out the similarities. We have a gallon of Oxine AH and use it to sanitize poultry items, but do not add it to their drinking water.


The approach with the large operations we work involves using the ingredients in the Backyard Chicken Health Pack utilizing both a feed (added into feed right at the feed mill) and water route (through proportioners on each farm).

We designed the BYCHP to be a simple, convenient way for small flock backyard raisers to incorporate those products into the water, which is the best way to ensure everyone gets the product.

Top dressing on feed or mixing with mash/pellets would result in the product falling out into the feeders which can result in the product not getting into the birds. In addition, sick birds tend not to eat at all but will drink if they are able.

Best regards,


Yes, one could purchase the 5 gallon container of Anthium Dioxide and save money. It would treat about 57,350 gallon of water. And you would require the extra step of finding a measuring device and a way to ensure the proper amount is added to the water.

As for Oxine, the usage instructions say that it must be activated by mixing with an acid to produce the chlorine dioxide form, which would then be equivalent to Anthium Dioxide/Oxy E-100.

Both of the above methods also means extra steps in handling should be followed as liquid is transferred and mixed.

It then comes down to convenience, ease and individual choice.

For the backyard poultry raiser Oxy E-100 only requires them to add 6 drops per gallon, without mixing or activating. And 30 ml will treat 90 gallon of water. More convenient and more in alignment with your average backyard flock size.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

For the sake of full disclosure:


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My biggest fear is that people will think that by using this product that they will not have to worry about worms and bacterial infections. Then they'll post here saying that their chickens are sick and will want some advice. Some people will reply and ask if they have been wormed and they'll answer yes, I wormed with Zyfend A. This already is all ready happening with people using DE, pumpkin seeds, garlic, ACV, cayenne pepper, etc.

I must admit that the folks at DBC have come up with clever marketing and I admire the fact that they have places like TSC and Jeffers selling it.. Having worked in the electronics field in Silicon Valley, I can appreciate just how difficult a task that can be.

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Yes, one could purchase the 5 gallon container of Anthium Dioxide and save money. It would treat about 57,350 gallon of water. And you would require the extra step of finding a measuring device and a way to ensure the proper amount is added to the water.

As for Oxine, the usage instructions say that it must be activated by mixing with an acid to produce the chlorine dioxide form, which would then be equivalent to Anthium Dioxide/Oxy E-100.

Both of the above methods also means extra steps in handling should be followed as liquid is transferred and mixed.

It then comes down to convenience, ease and individual choice.

For the backyard poultry raiser Oxy E-100 only requires them to add 6 drops per gallon, without mixing or activating. And 30 ml will treat 90 gallon of water. More convenient and more in alignment with your average backyard flock size.

Hope that helps.

Best regards,

That does help... So for those already skilled in the proper use of activating Oxine, no reason to buy Oxy E-100.

And then when people walk into TSC, see the BYCHP with its snazzy packaging, and ask an equally-bewildered employee, "What is this?" I imagine they will be told "It's a WORMER!" and the befuddled customer will read "offsets worm-related issues" and think, "Oh! I could have read that myself."

And behold! We have a problem when, as Kathy said, their birds get sicker and then come here wanting to know why three of their hens have wasted away and died when they followed the directions and wormed them with this product.

UNLESS I CAN SEE EVIDENCE THAT MILLIONS OF BIRDS HAVE BEEN TREATED WITH THIS SUCCESSFULLY, this is sold under the guise of a wormer-not-wormer that will treat "worm-related issues" by maybe washing them with yucca extract and lemon oil to potentially help the bird's natural immune system deal with the worms.

The MSDA determined this substance to be "non-harmful." Is it harmful to parasites?

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