

6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Auburndale, Wi
Well I am extremely grossed out. I boiled a coupled dozen eggs today. I noticed immediately that one was floating. When I got done boiling this is what I seen. Is it worms? 2 eggs did crack while boiling and you know how the white will come out of the crack.

I eat my eggs everyday and have never seen any white spots on the eggs. Do you think its worms or strands from the eggs? Please let me know ASAP so I know what to do. Thanks
Those do appear to be worms. Unfortunately, I seldom hear about worms in eggs, so I am inexperienced at this point. I'm guessing maybe an internal parasite entered it as the egg was forming? I hope you find out what it is!
Well I am extremely grossed out. I boiled a coupled dozen eggs today. I noticed immediately that one was floating. When I got done boiling this is what I seen. Is it worms? 2 eggs did crack while boiling and you know how the white will come out of the crack.

I eat my eggs everyday and have never seen any white spots on the eggs. Do you think its worms or strands from the eggs? Please let me know ASAP so I know what to do. Thanks

It looks like boiled out egg crud but crack open a couple uncooked eggs and see what you find/don't find.
Thanks for your input and I will try to get a few answers before I treat. I did open up the two eggs that cracked and they looked perfectly fine, no evidence of worms. I did read that even if I ate an egg with worms in it, it wouldn't be harmful to me right? Although I could use a tapeworm for weight loss lol. (just joking). I'm running into town today so I hope someone can answer soon. Thanks for your help though.
I just cracked open 3 eggs laid today and all looks good.

I would not risk eating wormy eggs but I would de worm the chickens just to be on the safe side.

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