Worried for my roo.. :(


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
La Crosse, WI
So my EE roo, "Lil Roo" (Yeah real creative, I know) is almost a year old. Maybe 10 1/2 months?
Well, whenever we take a step towards him, he hops in the air and challenges us, lunges at us, but never actually touches up. Whenever I hold one of the girls, he like gets take over by jealousy and zig zags towards us and pecks and scratches at the ground. He has never actually attacke dus or hurt us in any way, but I'm getting seriously worried that he will. Hes been like this for a month.
It would KILL me if he had to be killed because thats what my dad says has got to happen if he attacks us. He has always been my little teddy bear, and he still is as soon as I get him in my arms. He will sit there for hours. I lov him and without him, I'm pretty much certain that at least a couple of my girls would be dead by now.
What can I do to save him??
Some can be calmed down, but some it doesn't matter what you do they will still be aggressive. The best thing I find is to hold them and walk around with them. Also, you can use a squirt bottle, and every time he does that, squirt him a few times.
Thank you
we didnt have trouble with him today. I didnt do anything to change him, but still...Im happy about not worrying he will lose his head for another day.

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