Worries about favorite hen


16 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Roanoke, VA
This is what is coming out of my favorite hen today😲. I guess I need some help. She never just lets me pick her up, but today was completely different. I have Corid in my first aid kit for the chickens, but is that what I should use? I don’t have anything else 😕. Should I use a dewormer? What kind and how much her gallon?

Please help!
How old is your hen, what breed and when did she last lay an egg?

What are you feeding her?

When did you last deworm?

How does her lower abdomen feel, is it swollen? Squishy or rather hard?
Is your favorite hen currently laying? How old is she? Has she had issues lately with shell quality?

Look at her butt feathers. Are they drenched in an acrid smelling watery discharge?

Have you seen any poop from her at all, apart from the watery discharge?
In your picture I can see a roundworm on the upper left side, so it would be best to deworm immediately.

The shape of the tiny dark green poop pieces make me think of some kind of obstruction in her digestive system, likely caused by worms.
In your picture I can see a roundworm on the upper left side, so it would be best to deworm immediately.

The shape of the tiny dark green poop pieces make me think of some kind of obstruction in her digestive system, likely caused by worms.
I started treating the entire flock with CORID today. The directions say 1 tsp per gallon (so that would be 2 tsp for my 2 gallon waterer) for 5 days.

Would you suggest anything else?
Is your favorite hen currently laying? How old is she? Has she had issues lately with shell quality?

Look at her butt feathers. Are they drenched in an acrid smelling watery discharge?

Have you seen any poop from her at all, apart from the watery discharge?
She is just at 11 months. I have no idea about her shelll quality, she is one of 11.
Her hind end feathers didn’t look drenched, but I will check them again in the morning.

I only saw the poop from the picture and that was why I was concerned.

I started treating the entire flock with CORID today … so I guess we will see 🙏🏻
You may safely treat with Corid and worm the chickens at the same time. It's the best thing to do. You will need a worming med like Safeguard.
Safeguard Aquasol … the measuring is in metrics and I don’t know metrics. I don’t want to mess it up. How much safeguard goes in a gallon of water? I can mix up a gallon and make sure all the chickens consume it in the morning and then allow them to have unmedicated water the rest of the day.
Do you know how much I would mix in a gallon of water?
You are going to calculate the combined weight of your entire flock. For example, if you have ten chickens that are all average weight of four pounds, multiply by ten to get the total flock weight of forty pounds.

Next, convert those pounds into kilograms at two pounds per one kg. That would be twenty kg. for the weight of the flock. You are going to need to use an oral syringe that you can get for free at any pharmacy to measure out the Safeguard. There is no way to convert to teaspoons as they are nowhere near similar.

The dosage is 1mg Safeguard per kg. So you would be adding 20mg Safeguard to a gallon of water each day for five days to treat a flock of ten.
I think you want to make the Safeguard treated water available to the flock all day, not just for a few hours. Safeguard works to sedate the worms in the chickens' guts. The worms fall asleep and are then flushed out of the intestines.

Corid can go into the same water. Corid is merely a vitamin blocker. It would not interfere with the Safeguard. You will be treating the flock for five straight days with both. Then a week later, you will do another round of Corid.

There is no egg withdrawal with either Corid or Safeguard.

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