Worst. Movie. Ever.

Did anyone say Starship Troopers?
My husband hated this movie. I haven't seen it and don't want to.

I don't mind being silly or even gross, but Borat just sounds like it would be mean. I hate humor in which the joker is actually sneering at the jokie(Is that a word?)

The entire wink/wink, aren't I smart to make fun of these poor rubes, bothers me.
OMG Titanic is like my favorite movie of all time. Leo was such a HUNK! lol I have watched it 3 or 4 times in the last like 6 months.
Worst movie ever-
Stranger Than Fiction-It was so stupid and depressing I felt like I was being punished for some horrible crime!
Also the Rob Zombie version of Halloween. I love all the Halloween movies, they are the ones that make me afraid to go outside at night, and his story line was good, but.........It was so polluted! The nudity, sex, rape, violence that was so realistic and disturbing, and the language was beyond my imagination. I was floored in the beginning when I heard what the school bully was saying about young Michael's mother.
The whole movie left me sick. It was very scary though.
9 was the absolute worst movie i have ever seen! not a very good plot. it was also the first pg 13 movie ive seen that was animated. horrible plot and kinda hard to follow.
OK.....I got one to top them all (I think) "Midnight Mass". DH & I produced this one, in 2001 and it's even listed in the latest DVD & Video Guide of 2007 and it has a turkey for a rating!
I'm in the movie along with my sisters and other people that invested in it! Lions Gate released it. We didn't make any money.....obviously...OMG I can't believe I'm doing this..........Check it out.....I was in a movie!!!!! lol.......or maybe you shouldn't check it out...........

My daughter is in the pic with the "priest" in the lower left pic.....long dark hair....walking away.

http://www.horrortalk.com/reviews/MidnightMass/Midnight Mass.html

Since that one didn't work......

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The worst movie I ever had to sit through in a theater was the "Spice Girls" movie. On top of that I took my teenage daughter and all her girlfriends and they giggled, clapped and shrieked the entire time. UGH...........

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