Worthy Charities


12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
Washington State
I wanted to take this moment to remind everyone during this time of celebration that many worthwhile charities could use continued support from people like us.

Firstly, Rolling Dog Ranch in Montana is a sanctuary for handicapped, crippled or abused animals which would not be 'adoptable' through traditional shelters. They are given dignity and respect in their final years by people who are willing to take-on the responsibility of caring for these animals, even though they have tremendous medical needs and difficulties with every day life. To learn more, please see:


Secondly, as some of you know, we lost one of our greyhounds last month due to old age. We have always adopted retired racing dogs and brought them into our family. If you, or a loved one, is considering getting a dog, we encourage everyone to at least look into the possibility of being a "forever home" for a retired racing greyhound. If not for people like us, many of these dogs would be destroyed when they are finished with their facing usefulness. We couldn't recommend more highly greyhounds for those seeking affectionate companion dogs that are low in energy and high in love. For those in the Pacific Northwest, your adoption organization is:


Happy Holidays!
You heartless lot!

I never go through the checkout line at PetsMart w/o having them add a donation amount to my total. I liked it MUCH better when they had a donation display container right beside the door so it was visible when coming in or going out, but they took it down. The manager said that next year there will be donation canisters or boxes at each register, but in the meantime the customer must give the donation at time of purchase. The proceeds collected go to the animal shelters in the local store region. I also donate monthly to the ASPCA , the organization, and when I am able to do so, I donate to two different local no-kill shelters who can always use monetary or supply donations. I wish I had the funds to give to all, but sadly I cannot. I ask the Lord to give wisdom to those who are in charge so they can put their resources to the very best use. There are many worthy charities (Angel Tree Ministries, Samaritan's Purse, Christian Children's Fund, Feed the Children, etc.) and even a small amount can make a difference.
Father God, I thank You for those who are able and willing to give, and for those who do not have to give. Bless each one, and help us find a way to use our compassion and resources to reflect Your love. amen.

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