Would everyone please......

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Just spotted this . . . when you say that reproduction related things are banned . . . does that mean that if I wanted to ask a question about "treading" by chickens, that would be banned?

Please remember that I lot of young chicken people are on here because we DON'T have any other people in the know who we can talk to about chickens - I know (without being arrogant) that I know more than anyone in my family about chickens, and I barely know anyone who keeps chickens, apart from my boss (who often seems somewhat sketchy on the details).

We should also remember that kids are educated on human reproduction from a young age at school (I think I was about 9 or so, although I had learnt the basics at home aged ~6) and so topics of CHICKEN reproduction should not really be banned from a CHICKEN board.
I agree with keeping this forum family friendly. I am a grown up with teen kids and I still appreciate that the topics are clean.

I am glad that you all mentioned the being nice thing. I get a little put off by the "attacking" nature in some posts. There are topics that are always going to cause controversy (ie. meat vs pets). We are not going to convert anyone to our way of thinking on a forum. Lets state a point and not get personal. We can disagree without getting nasty about it. Please.

I love BYC, but I get upset when people attack each others views.
Chicken/poultry reproduction is not banned -unless someone decided to be raunchy and discuss it in a very vulgar way that is obscene and offensive. I myself recently had to close a very obscene thread that had my child happened upon I would have been livid.

Detailed, graphic, threads on hysterectomies, infertility, PMS, menopause and other female/male issues is what there are concerns with.

If you wouldn't sit and discuss the issue with your 8 year old you should think twice about putting it on the forum. Personally it is not the topics that bother me so much as the vulgar language and imagery used in describing some things.

We moderators and members do not own the website. Nifty does. We all are bound to follow the rules and ideas he sets forth. He pays the bills. We don't.
THank you for the suggestion. I edited the first post here to reflect HUMAN reproduction, etc.
As Miss Prissy states, there is a way to discuss things and vulgarity is never appropriate.

This may well be, but it is not for us here to make the determination. Schools and particularly parents are the only ones who should be deciding when it is time for such topics and we will leave it to their private good judgement.
I think you make a great point. But i would like it widened. This is a forum about chickens...and my young kids read it...and I think we should refrain from all references to god, praying and the bible. Its about chickens people - not a place to debate your belief system or call on strangers to pray to some deity that you believe in.

As much as I don't need my children to read about human reproduction, I also do not want them to read about religion no matter how good or wholesome you think that is. That should be left in church.

Off my soap box...
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