Would everyone please......

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Im one of the said "minors" must say, this site is better than most
:thun that is taking it too far! i agree about the human reproduction ban, or else mom would not let me on this site, but i disagree about how we should not talk about god, praying,or the bible.anyway if my chickens are sick and i ask you to pray for it/them does not mean that you have to pray for them! yeeesh...
Religions get people worked up. Inquisitions, crusades, blowing up World Trade Centers, that sort of thing. There are probably websites dedicated to any god that floats your boat, so we can leave this one to lighter topics and the common interest that brought us all here.
look I love this forum-- And they have put in a lot of categories for people to post their threads-- I agree that you should kind of watch your language--You are essentially in public on this forum. Just like being in the middle of Wal-mart. Scrolling past a post that says prayer or something you don't care about reading is as easy as turning the tv channel with the remote. I left a duck group on yahoo because they got so syruppy sweet with prayers and lamentations about a duck that had surgery and died.. I just couldn't take it. BUT I did not get on there and complain because they wanted to have a funeral and a eulogy for the doggone duck!! They have their way of thinking and I have mine. I have met wonderful people on here want to continue to be here. I love to talk and ask questions about chickens and that is what has brought us all together but chickens are not the only things in our lives, so naturally sooner or later you may stray from strictly chicken conversation. And I think that is okay too. Basically we have to be tolerant of other people's views and their personalities. Be Tolerant and accepting of others. If you don't like a subject or what somebody is saying SCROLL SCROLL SCROLL-- I think the mods have done a great job at trying to categorize so that everybody can have a say on different sujects. There are a LOT of Breeds of chickens and even MORE varieties of people. I've talked to people on here who I have NOTHING in common with them except chickens. And I've really enjoyed it and they enjoyed talking to me --I know because they told me. Let's try to get along and not get upset unless somebody has been done an injustice. If We can't maybe the mods can move all those posts into a Jerry Springer catergory --- Wayne
Well I have found out on my umm so many years on earth, that it's amazing what some people find offensive....so there is no making "Everyone" happy... however, I feel that obscene language doesn't belong on a chicken forum, as far as religion goes, well my goodness... DON'T READ IT! Same with politics... just don't read it, would hate to think I had to walk on eggshells around here...... I happen to enjoy this forum very much, but please if kept in moderation don't try and take free speech away
to me BYC is my large extended family and if I need prayer I'm glad that I can ask of it. But like normal families not everyone can get along together, so like small familys if you don't agree, stay away, don't ruin something that someone else likes. I may not agree with you but that is why I don't read all the posts,THANKS MOD'S YOUR DOING A GREAT JOB
everything should be allowed on here except crude language and I believe we all agree on that! However lets not start nip picking on what to have and not as if you dont like it dont click on the forum or just ignore it. We all on here dont agree on everything so if we pick and choose what to talk about no one will want to be on here and there wouldnt be anything to talk about. To the lady who spoke of no religion if you are not religous that is your choice but let that be something your children decide. You sound like a great parent and in no way do I mean to sounds like im telling you how to raise your kids at all. Things happen in life and you may not feel now or ever religous but what if one day you do? just keep that in mind!

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