Would everyone please......

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The BYC Staff has to make a LOT of hard decisions when setting and managing the rules of this forum and what we allow and don't allow. Some are really easy: No hate speech, trolling, fighting. Some are REALLY HARD: Like not allowing people to solicit for donations to themselves, family, or charity (really hard decision, but we chose not to allow it).

The Staff has a constant dialogue and a LOT of discussion about specific topics and threads. Bottom line: We have staff members that LOVE this community and they make decisions based on what is in the long term best interest of the community as a whole, the individual members, and the hundreds of thousands of chickens that will be helped by the info on this site.
I suspect that its on a volunteer basis at this point also, correct?

Yes and proudly so.
Well THANK you very much for your service!
I , for one, enjoy this site, in fact it has surpassed my beloved online mom's group....but I have seen alot--and I mean ALOT-- of fighting, attacking, ugliness ans so on. I think the main point being made here is, be respectful and kind. It's not hard, consider the minors who are on here, stop arguing for no reason.
Honestly, I think the argument about religion is a big waste of time. I don't care what your religious, or non-religious, preference is. If you don't want to send prayers-don't. If you're not a Christian, good for you, believe whatever you want, just be nice!
I mean, and maybe my comparison is inappropriate, but I think it's pretty much like getting upset about posts about silkies, or bantams, or polish, or whatever is your preference, but not mine, ya know?

The good news is, we live in a country where we are allowed to have opinions, and pretty much do whatever we want. So ease up ladies and gentlemen, and go pet your chickens......
Yes, respect is key, just try and be nice. Sometimes I think that we can all feel so much like family, we all start to fight like family without batting an eye about the thousands of onlookers that can see our fights on this open forum.
To tag a minor as a minor may set them up for a predator to troll them.

IMHO why in the world do you need to know if it is a minor or not, keep the language appropriate and you don't have to worry at all about the content! ASSUME everyone is a minor and use appropriate language, GROW UP! You don't have to be smutty or leud or whatever to make yourself look big and wonderful. Kind of like being in Wal-mart and hearing 18 year olds in the next aisle saying blank this and blank that and laughing and such. Keep it clean and fun! you don't have to swear or get gross to have fun!!!!
A very good discussion, and we appreciate all the comments.

One very important point regarding tattooedchickenlady's comment, "I think it's pretty much like getting upset about posts about silkies, or bantams, or polish, or whatever is your preference, but not mine, ya know?" : I want to be VERY clear that Turkens are scary looking and silkies seem like a waste of space / food and I'm right and anybody that disagrees is stupid!


Well, not so much about Turkens... they give me the willies.


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