Would like any opinion on this eye


Jan 23, 2016
I recently pick up 4 year old hens and took them as a group. All very healthy energetic hens outside of an eye injury on one. It looks like it might have been a pecking injury because the hen if fine otherwise. Not sure when it happened. I have been bathing it with warm water using a cotton swab and applying a small amount of antibiotic.

The question is does this look like something that the hen might recover from or does it look like a very severe pecking injury where the eye itself was damaged and the lid closed shut.

Any suggestion would also be welcome. I thought about a warm chamomile tea bag compress but not really sure that would help.

How long ago did you get them? Have you asked the previous owner if he/she knows what happened?

Just got them about 4 days ago. I didn't notice and didn't ask. It definitely looks like it might have been a fight because she is not sick and seems a little skittish otherwise a very sweet hen. This was part of a flock of maybe 30 so I'm guessing the owner didn't notice either as she had ducks too and a lot going on there.
I would put Colloidal Silver on it many times per day. It has helped immensely with multiple different injuries (to the eyes) my chickens have suffered from time to time.
And to answer your main question, I think that there is a chance that she could have restored sight in that eye, but it is slim. I can't tell very well from the pictures, but maybe the eye is just slightly sunken and if/when the swelling goes away she may be able to see. It is hard to tell at this point.
I would put Colloidal Silver on it many times per day. It has helped immensely with multiple different injuries (to the eyes) my chickens have suffered from time to time.

Thanks that sounds like it could work and ionic seems to be the better form so I will give it a try. Found this I youtube this person found it helpful so it's good to make a mental note of it and have it on hand.


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