Would satellite TV be too much? UPDATED with kid's reaction

Your DD sounds like my 13 year old son. Even down to the LA problems. He's in 8th grade taking 9th grade honers lit/ comp. I'm checking his grades on line every afternoon. His teacher just e-mailed my yesterday and he has 3 zeros already in homework not turned in. The semester just started. No more PS3 until I get the ok from his teacher. It will be an all year battle. Stick by your guns, no matter how much they whine and moan.
* If she starts giving you grief in the meantime-- Tell her the girls get the laptop next. . . .
Love it! I think my 6 yo would have snuck out to watch in the coop with the chickens though. I'm hoping that being strict about school and attitude now will make the preteen/teen years a little easier. Just a little?? DH and I both work in schools so we've seen some major attitudes. I'm subbing in 6th grade tomorrow and I'm sharing this story to get their reactions!
Thanks for the support fellow BYCers. Ya know I just do not get it. She can do the work with ease and most often does....it just never makes it from her backpack or locker into the teacher. what? I mean if ya do the work...turn it in and get the credit for it right?

The girls are a little miffed about losing their TV privileges...I think there was something on animal planet that they wanted to see tonight. I gave them a bowl of warm steamed rice and some bean juice to make up for my behavior. They have their radio though and I even switched the station to some rock for them...yesterday was alternative. I try to be fair.

As far as DD is concerned...her teacher called this evening and stated that Cheyenne turned in all of her homeworks papers from the last 3 weeks. She is going to grade them and then give her half of the actual score for them being not turned in on time. She told me that she was pleased with Cheyenne's work in class and her as a student but there was something about turning in homework that was an issue.

so, at least she will get partial credit for the late homework and that will bring her grade up a bit, HOWEVER, that is through no work of her own but through the generosity of her teacher so.....

grounding is still on and nothing changes until SHE makes the improvements and puts forth the effort.
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Most excellent idea. I like the way you think. Congrats on getting those A's keep up the good work.
You go Girl!!!! sounds like something I would try but not be able to get handled. Our DD is 14 and I certainly feel ya, but ain't life great.

That would have worked on 2 of my kids. But not the 3rd. We could take everything out of her room but a bamboo mat and paper thin blanket for a month and she would stay in there, not say a word then when she gets her stuff back she would / will do the exact same thing just to spite us. Nothing seems to motivate her to obey the rules. She is now 19 and the stuff just multiplies. She is not a criminal or anything like that but man.... she really tests our creative thinking. We have to figure out ways to make her think changing her attitude was all her idea.

Your thread makes for great reading though, LOL through out.

I hope your DD learns her lessons easier than mine.

IMHO, I would leave the TV in with the "girls" and the kicker would be that DD has to go to the coop, clean it, and DUST the tv for them. You know it is going to get all dusty from them flapping all over the place. They need to be able to see it or you are gonna have to buy them contact lenses!
That will chap her hide! Not only do they enjoy the radio and tv but she has to do maid service for them while they enjoy it! LOL

On a more serious note however, my 12 yr old daughter is exactly like that, only she does not give a care about ANYTHING. What works on her is the disappointment factor, me NOT being disappointed in her. If I mention the words, " I am disappointed in your actions" (NEVER use I am disappointed in YOU! that is hurtful!) you might as well have stabbed her with a knife. Feelings are important. The homework is NOT important to her, it is stuff, she did it, so what! She does not care if she flunks out. WE DO as parents. Until she is in 9th grade(freshman) and the grades are part of her "Permanent" record let her flunk! IGNOR the fact that she is not doing the work(I know it is hard but do it). BELIEVE me this works! Talk to the teacher and tell her your plan and let her give her an "F" for the assignments she forgets to turn in and keep up the punnishments of no TV etc. Good for the teacher for giving her partial credit for coming up and giving her the missed assignments. You realize that means you are making an impact on her already.

Edited to add Grandma wisdom to this. My mom always said when I did not care about something or doing my best. She said go ahead and be an idiot, I will love you anyway, you don't have to do a thing, no homework nothing. (at this poing you have their attention)Just remember that when and if you graduate or turn 18 whichever comes first, you are not going to live off the fat of the land here. You will be expected to get a job and make a living to support yourself. If you want to have the luxuries that "the girls" have right now, you better start caring about your grades, however it is your decision and you choose! Then smile and walk away. And I want to be a fly on that wall!
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Hey my girls are all friendly....they will share roost space with you if you want to come visit and watching some 200+ channels.
It is warmer in the coop than the house tonight...they got their heat lamp on and it is about 67F in there.

I did not give them the remote though...that would be asking for problems. There would be a fight over the remote for sure because there is one man (roo) in that coop.

I am within driving distance. Threaten her with that next time!

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