Wry neck in 7 week old buff orphington...Please help!


Jul 4, 2023
She was fine all day yesterday and last night when I did my nightly (just before I go to bed around 10pm) check. This morning when I opened the coop all 3 come running out as usual but Gracie she ½ stood (kinda on her hocks) whining at me unable to hold her head up. I picked her up looked her over and don't see it feel anything abnormal at all other than explained above. I sat her back down and she attempted to stand but she appears so weak and immediately lost her balance, while her head slowly drops down. I hurried n opened the remainer of the coop doors for the others so I could give my full attention to Gracie. Maybe 5 minutes max it took me and right back to where I was I instantly took her in and gave her some nutra-drench (approx ⅛ml). I put the tip of her beak in water she wanted nothing to do with it but was so weak hardly able to pull her head away from the water (Yes of course I was holding her head at for her didn't want her to drown). However she did see my one hens watermelon and corn sitting on a plate just slightly to the side of her and she quickly gobbled up a couple pieces I don't two or three pieces of smally chopped watermelon and five or six pieces of the corn (canned corn, I give as a treat to my older hens).
I don't know what to do I've never experienced anything like this before. She is
smaller than her sister who's almost double her size however the two RIRs are right in between her and her sisters size. She does not get picked on. They all get along great, probably because we got them all at the same time.
See the attached pic for information regarding what food I have her on. She hasn't been exposed to anything as far as I'm aware of as there's nothing in our yard My husband keeps it so clean we can't even have bugs for the chickens to eat. lol.
And the only other in the flock are the three hens that are approximately 4.5 years old now and they are kept separate in the coop but do get to free-range together during the daytime when I'm out with them.
She is showing all the symptoms of wry neck from everything I have researched this morning since having let them out of their coop. I always come here for help because this community has helped me save several lives of my loved flock. They're not just chickens and they are not just pets...in fact we call them our kids (older gals) and babies (chicks).
Please help me with any advice thoughts past experiences etc on how to help her the fastest I don't want to lose her!
Vet is not an option unfortunately. So filling up the thread with a bunch of comments stating take her to a vet is not going to help anything. But if you have any other advice I am so open to anything!
Thank you in advance for your time as always, It's much appreciated!


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Normally for wry neck, I would give human vitamin E softgels 400 IU daily, along with some thiamine (vitamin b 1) which is found in human B complex or chick vitamins, and a little spoonful of scrambled egg for selenium. Could she have a head injury? Treat for a minimum of 2 weeks, and you may have to assist her eating and drinking. Wry neck is a neurological symptom of head or neck injury, a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and is seen in some diseases affecting the brain. Mareks and Newcastles or avian flu are some, but it can be seen in some respiratory illnesses as well. Mareks would be a concern, since the others are more rare.
Normally for wry neck, I would give human vitamin E softgels 400 IU daily, along with some thiamine (vitamin b 1) which is found in human B complex or chick vitamins, and a little spoonful of scrambled egg for selenium. Could she have a head injury? Treat for a minimum of 2 weeks, and you may have to assist her eating and drinking. Wry neck is a neurological symptom of head or neck injury, a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and is seen in some diseases affecting the brain. Mareks and Newcastles or avian flu are some, but it can be seen in some respiratory illnesses as well. Mareks would be a concern, since the others are more rare.
Would it be so instant...I mean all normal for 7 weeks, boom this morning, bang!
I've attached a pic of her poo and a short video to show how she is.
I'm heading to the store now for the vitamins you've suggested (do I just put them inside of the scrambled eggs and hope she eats em?)


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Check the coop thoroughly for poultry mites, as they can cause severe anemia almost overnight.
Brand new built coop, just finished the build at most 2 months ago. Also just did (on Monday) thorough quarterly clean out which we do a full clean out to include removal of all items and clean all waters and feeders, chips, then we do a sweep out, complete a shop vac blow out, then put new chips, replace cleaned items back in their places...ECT.
Also, just checked my big gals to check for any signs of mites or lice as well.
Normally for wry neck, I would give human vitamin E softgels 400 IU daily, along with some thiamine (vitamin b 1) which is found in human B complex or chick vitamins, and a little spoonful of scrambled egg for selenium. Could she have a head injury? Treat for a minimum of 2 weeks, and you may have to assist her eating and drinking. Wry neck is a neurological symptom of head or neck injury, a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and is seen in some diseases affecting the brain. Mareks and Newcastles or avian flu are some, but it can be seen in some respiratory illnesses as well. Mareks would be a concern, since the others are more rare.
Ok heading to the store now so I'm going to get the liquid gels vitamin E and vitamin B would it be best to get the liquid source of the vitamin B? And you said to make sure it's B1 or thiamin right I don't have service at the store at all so I'm trying to do this before I leave I'm in the truck waiting?
Normally for wry neck, I would give human vitamin E softgels 400 IU daily, along with some thiamine (vitamin b 1) which is found in human B complex or chick vitamins, and a little spoonful of scrambled egg for selenium. Could she have a head injury? Treat for a minimum of 2 weeks, and you may have to assist her eating and drinking. Wry neck is a neurological symptom of head or neck injury, a vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and is seen in some diseases affecting the brain. Mareks and Newcastles or avian flu are some, but it can be seen in some respiratory illnesses as well. Mareks would be a concern, since the others are more rare.
Can you tell me how much of each and for how long to give her? Did that video not show up?
Ok so sauerkraut for bossy her other thread, liquid gel vitamin E capsules for my 7-week-old buff along with the B complex or B1 or thiamine again asking if the liquid would be the best option? Another question is when you say I may have to help her eat and drink, are You talking simply syringe watering and actually put in like the little pieces of scramble food in her mouth or are you talking tube feeding?
I really wish that video would have showed up so you guys can actually see how she's acting what she can and can't do. She just cries she wants to be held she don't stop crying until I hold her and she wants her head up onto something she wants her head lift it up on something resting on top of something that's above her body.
Heading to the store right now so I won't have service for a few be right back home though.

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