Wry neck on new hatchling can’t upright itself… any ideas to try?

Black Dog Roosters

In the Brooder
Nov 14, 2023
I had ordered some Cochin bantam eggs and they hatched out a few days ago… 1 had hatched out much later than the others so it was alone in the incubator while it hatched, and did great the very first 24hrs- stood up, walked around shortly after hatching… the next day, I noticed that it would lay on its side and just kick its legs trying to get up…now they don’t look spraddled or splayed at all but it almost looks like it has wry neck… I can put it on its belly and it will lift itself up, no problem, but then it falls over like it’s off balance when trying to walk…Even holding it in my hand upright, it will kick and move its legs to try getting away but immediately falls over because its neck strength just seems very weak and floppy…
Right now, I’ve made a lil makeshift holder out of an empty cardboard masking tape ring so it can stay on its belly, to keep working its legs because I don’t want it to lose strength in them every time it falls over and can’t get itself upright…. I also have been giving it honey water, as well as egg yoke with some vitamin E mixed in to help it keep its overall strength and hopefully help with strengthening its neck as well…

Just wondering if maybe there is something else that I could try now or even in the future- I’ve only encountered 3 with wry neck in all the years we’ve had chickens and strangely enough, it’s all been this year (2, I saw in the bins at our Rural King and felt bad for them, so I asked to buy them and then 1 ended up being from my own Indio Gigante hatchlings, which their long necks do tend to make them a lil more susceptible to wry neck, so I did kinda educate myself a lil bit on the basics of it and what to do- so I was a lil more prepared in case it happened… however, all 3 of those were much older (4-5weeks) & bigger and the vitamin E capsules and extra vitamins seemed to of helped very quickly and all are doing great…but this one is just super tiny and newly hatched and I’m not sure if I’m doing enough, not enough or maybe too much

Thank you!
Upping the vitamin E is all I can think you could do, and see if that helps. It can take a while to work. Sorry you're dealing with this with your chick.

Also recall, it could be a congenital abnormality if it's been like this from birth. If so, it may not improve. A quality of life decision would then need to be made, but I don't think you're there yet.

Bumping for you.
I had ordered some Cochin bantam eggs and they hatched out a few days ago… 1 had hatched out much later than the others so it was alone in the incubator while it hatched, and did great the very first 24hrs- stood up, walked around shortly after hatching… the next day, I noticed that it would lay on its side and just kick its legs trying to get up…now they don’t look spraddled or splayed at all but it almost looks like it has wry neck… I can put it on its belly and it will lift itself up, no problem, but then it falls over like it’s off balance when trying to walk…Even holding it in my hand upright, it will kick and move its legs to try getting away but immediately falls over because its neck strength just seems very weak and floppy…
Right now, I’ve made a lil makeshift holder out of an empty cardboard masking tape ring so it can stay on its belly, to keep working its legs because I don’t want it to lose strength in them every time it falls over and can’t get itself upright…. I also have been giving it honey water, as well as egg yoke with some vitamin E mixed in to help it keep its overall strength and hopefully help with strengthening its neck as well…

Just wondering if maybe there is something else that I could try now or even in the future- I’ve only encountered 3 with wry neck in all the years we’ve had chickens and strangely enough, it’s all been this year (2, I saw in the bins at our Rural King and felt bad for them, so I asked to buy them and then 1 ended up being from my own Indio Gigante hatchlings, which their long necks do tend to make them a lil more susceptible to wry neck, so I did kinda educate myself a lil bit on the basics of it and what to do- so I was a lil more prepared in case it happened… however, all 3 of those were much older (4-5weeks) & bigger and the vitamin E capsules and extra vitamins seemed to of helped very quickly and all are doing great…but this one is just super tiny and newly hatched and I’m not sure if I’m doing enough, not enough or maybe too much

Thank you!
do you have a picture of the bird?
Thank you for the replies and I apologize for not getting back to anyone until now…. Unfortunately I had to make the hard choice and cull the lil one…I think it actually may have had some kind of neurological issue going on, instead of wry neck…I had noticed while holding it- one side of its head seemed to of swelled up (never seen that before!) and it’s overall motor function declined very rapidly and it was just suffering 😕
Thank you for the replies and I apologize for not getting back to anyone until now…. Unfortunately I had to make the hard choice and cull the lil one…I think it actually may have had some kind of neurological issue going on, instead of wry neck…I had noticed while holding it- one side of its head seemed to of swelled up (never seen that before!) and it’s overall motor function declined very rapidly and it was just suffering 😕
Sorry you lost your chick. Culling chicks is no fun, and one of the harder part of chicken keeping. Sometimes it just has to be done because there's nothing that will make a situation better. I find focusing on the healthy ones can help you heal.

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