Wry neck?


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2024
We purchased chicks from Wilco 2 days ago and they seemed fine. Active, chirping, running around the brooder, eating and drinking. We have pine shavings down and a heat lamp (will be changing to a heating pad) Yesterday one seemed to be having issues-tucking her head between her legs, flapping her legs like she was scratching, but not touching anywhere on her body, and running backwards. She’s tumbling over too. I’m treating with selenium and vitamin e. I think it’s wry neck, but am trying to post a video for any feedback. (It’s only allowing for photos though). Can anyone suggest any other possibilities or fixes? Thanks in advance!
It does sound like she has some symptoms of wry neck, which can also include walking backward and in circles. Wry neck can be caused by a vitamin deficiency, a head injury, and in older birds, diseases that affect the brain. Most people give 400 IU of human vitamin E and some egg for selenium. You could give less to a baby chick. In chicks I would also give some chick vitamins for thiamine or human B complex daily. That can be crushed or scratched into some food. 1/4 tablet daily is more than enough.

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