Wyandotte huddled in run


Dec 13, 2018
Port of Los Angeles, CA
My sl Wyandotte - age unknown maybe 5 or older who still lays 4-5x a week is acting weird. Huddled out in the run - only time I’ve seen her like that is in nesting box. Usually if I go to pick her up she will meander away or scurry to coop- today she just let me pick her up. Vent wad clear but offwhite something was underneath sling w some regular chicken
Poo. I got her a run and soaked her and cleaned up underneath- nothing seems different except the skin a little pale usually she’s pretty pink. Her wattles and comb seem not as bright either. I took her out of tub and expected her to run to her coop but instead she huddled down next to the tub by my feet. I’m worried. Only thing different in her routine is that I added some leftover aspen shavings to the upstairs of the big girl coop where she sleeps.

I just checked on her and she was standing but didn't peck at the one chicken she always bosses around.

Not even sure what to watch for etc. I do have a place I can isolate her and I do have avian vet but I’m not positive what’s going on. Suggestions or input requested. Temps are higher today but she’s not panting so I don’t think it’s the heat.
Ty for checking my husband let her out of the crate she had put herself in last. Oh Jt and she ran to get to her corn piñata! I had put water and a whole egg ground up w oyster and mealworms and she ate that and today 1/2 the color on her comb is back but her wattles still pale. When I brought their salad she ran away from me so she’s feeling better! She’s a grandma chicken my friends say.

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