Yellow Crusty scabs


May 9, 2020
I have a little Japanese bantam that is 1year old. She lives indoors as shes slightly disabled with her tiny legs and hops around rather than walks. Shes not very good and preening herself so l help as mush as possible with a nit comb that works well
Recently she has started with crusty yellow scabsonher head neck and spreading. It starts at the base of her feather shalf. It has a waxy feel to it. I cant see any mites/lice nor eggs.
Ive just finished a course of Xeno which contains ivermectin. Ive bathe her in baby shampoo. Shes had lots of baths. Ive recently applied Diatomaceous Earth which has dried up the waxy bits but its not a cure nor stopping it spread. If this is a fungus or bacterial issue, how has she got it and how do l cure it?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Pictures below.


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It might be a buildup of skin cells similar to cradle cap in newborns, and it may removed with a little coconut oil or gently washing with soap and water. But the other possibility is favus or fungal infection. I would treat it with some washing and the oil first. If it is not getting better or you think that favus is more likely, then use some miconazole (monistat) cream or clotrimazole which I have seen in the Dollar Tree for a dollar. .
It might be a buildup of skin cells similar to cradle cap in newborns, and it may removed with a little coconut oil or gently washing with soap and water. But the other possibility is favus or fungal infection. I would treat it with some washing and the oil first. If it is not getting better or you think that favus is more likely, then use some miconazole (monistat) cream or clotrimazole which I have seen in the Dollar Tree for a dollar. .

Thank you so much for your reply eggcessive. I sure hope its as easy the cure as its spreading.
I will certainly crack on and arrange a wash for her today with a good oiling afterwards, just to make it clear to others this is not to prepare her for the oven! Hahaha!
Would you leave it a week and repeat if its working?
I am in the UK so no Dollar Tree here but we do have a Pound Shop or am sure l can find it elsewhere.
Thank you again. I will certainly let you know how shes getting on with pictures!
Here are a few pictures of favus fungal infection:

It can spread and infect other chickens. Many cases are mild and disappear on their own, but these are severe cases.


You vet can take a skin scraping to diagnose.

Thank you for the pictures, looking at those l think l will treat for cradle cap first and then the fungal infection.
Again l will keep posted to let you know and other chicken peeps that may have the same problem.
Hi Eggcessive

I just wanted to keep you posted and maybe others that are following.
Today Lou enjoyed a bath in dove baby sensitive shampoo that can be used for cadle cap. After blow drying l then applied the coconut oil afters a minute or two the scabs started to lift which l wad amazed at. lve been working the scabs with vaseline and sudo cream but the coconut oil.... Wow!
I am wondering if coconut oil could be used on scaly leg too?
My next question is should l bath her again in a week and apply the oil daily?
What would you suggest?
Thank you so much for this advice Eggcessive.


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