Hi y'all looking for help sexing my new Welsummers. I thought it would be easy based on their head arrows and eye liner, but I'm have trouble. I ordered 2 girls and a Roo. The Rooster is for my DH who has been so very patient and supportive, he has wanted one (a man thing, I think it bothered him being out numbered lol). Anyway these shots were taken last night at one day old.

Profile chick 1

Chick 1 top

Chick 2 profile

Chick 2 top

Physco chick 3 that likes to attack everyone else (Even looks like war paint around the eyes)
Pretty chicks! I go more from the top stripe than the side stripe but have not seen any like number 3 with the war paint. I would guess War Paint though was your little rooster. It will be fun to see other's opinions....
Pretty chicks!  I go more from the top stripe than the side stripe but have not seen any like number 3 with the war paint.  I would guess War Paint though was your little rooster.  It will be fun to see other's opinions....
Thanks I know it will all be clear in time, but DH has waited a long time for a rooster and I am eager to give it to him
My poor baby Golden buff has not opened her eyes again since her repeated attack by another chick on Tuesday. She has no discharge but wont or can't open her eyes. She is so pitiful pepping loudly as if in distress when she gets parted from the others. She cocks her head and listens for their sounds and runs towards it. She finds her water and food that way, she trips up over the feeder rim but has a great appetite and drinks well. When she finds older (by 3 weeks) Frizzle or Sizzle she snuggles up next to them trying to get up under their freaky feathers. For the most part they allow it. This picture was taken with a flash. She is not totally blind because she jumped at the flash. Im hoping her eyes will mend and she can see again. She wont be part of a free range so I don't have to worry about outside predators...just her fellow flock mates. Any suggestions???
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