My extremely dark brown egg layer isn't laying yet.  Can't wait for that one!

I'm with you there. I got a "welsummer" last year that ended up laying WHITE eggs, not dark brown. This year though, I have ordered some cuckoo marans to arrive in April. I can't wait until they grow up and start laying!
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I'm with you there. I got a "welsummer" last year that ended up laying WHITE eggs, not dark brown. This year though, I have ordered some cuckoo marans to arrive in April. I can't wait until they grow up and start laying!
Your "Welsummer" was probably a brown Leghorn. They look almost identical except for their comb. Let's see if I can post some photos of both.

Top brown hen (second from the left) is a brown leghorn. Big floppy comb. Lays large white eggs. Bottom photo was my Welsummer. Laid beautiful dark brown/terra cotta eggs. She was also one of the hens the bear killed last summer. But, you can see they are almost exactly the same coloring!
A muddy pen is definitely the worst enemy of a silkie owner. With the recent rainstorms, I had to bring my silkies inside and actually bathe them. They had mud caked onto their feathers so bad, that they almost looked like my brown easter egger hen with smooth feathers - and they are supposed to be WHITE silkies!

Now that's something I have yet to do- I have wanted to give a few a bath but didn't know if they would like the idea. Was it easy? Did they seem to like it or no? With all the extra dark soil and red clay here I think I shall get the black ones.
i just keep plenty of bermuda grass hay in the bottom of my pen, which has a metal roof on it. they will find a spot where it stays dry and rake away the hay to dirt bathe.
Now that's something I have yet to do- I have wanted to give a few a bath but didn't know if they would like the idea. Was it easy? Did they seem to like it or no? With all the extra dark soil and red clay here I think I shall get the black ones.
You tube has some good videos on how to bath a chicken.

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