Woo Hoo! Got 20 eggs today! One from a new Marans pullet! Plus one duck egg! That's out of 23 chickens! Go Girls. I sold 12 dozen eggs in two weeks plus gave away a few! My girls are really earning their keep now!
We're losing chickens and ducks regularly now. All kinds of predators around us. And the guard donkeys don't work against birds of prey, possums and coons.

So sad. May have to lock them up again.

Too many. If GAM would hurry up and deal with all those roostes, we could put our favorite birds back in the pen. But the rest just have to take their chances.
3 more being processed tomorrow ... maybe more if I'm in the groove. LOL

1 rooster, 1 duck, and 1 turkey ... those are what are going for sure
Hi guys. Still here and still think of y'all. ;) Chickens still aren't doing much, just hanging out. Laying thin shelled eggs and crushing them. I think I'll try some oyster shell. I believe I also have an egg EATER, and I'm hoping my first hunch was right about it being the Marans hen. She is in with the younguns now and I'm at least seeing crushed eggs again in the layer coop, whereas I had stopped seeing anything altogether.

GAM, if it is that hen I may bring her to one of your parties too. :p

Hope everyone is great!! We are gonna try to do some rearranging this weekend to get my old/original coop over outside the new pen today, as it's all open-air and several hens have been fighting over nest boxes at night to keep a little more cozy.
Flower I am jealous! I am down to 4 BO pullets now going on 26 weeks and no eggs yet. They are as red as the cockerel but nothing. Their momma started laying at 23 weeks so come on girls! The momma was put in with them last week after her 5 week old chick was sold with the rest of it's breed. I told myself I would get at least one egg but NO;-)
Flower I am jealous! I am down to 4 BO pullets now going on 26 weeks and no eggs yet. They are as red as the cockerel but nothing. Their momma started laying at 23 weeks so come on girls! The momma was put in with them last week after her 5 week old chick was sold with the rest of it's breed. I told myself I would get at least one egg but NO;-)

Don't forget, I added light to the coop at night. It is on a timer that comes on at 4am and turns off at 8am. That gives the chickens a full 14 hours of 'daylight'. That is what is necessary for chickens to lay eggs. Some people give their chickens a break during the shorter day time winter, but in my case, my chickens had several months off molting already, so I don't feel bad about having them lay thru the winter.

My biggest problem with them waking up at 4am is that the rooster starts crowing and they eat, eat, eat! LOL. I guess they get bored, too, as they are inside the run until I get up and let them out in the morning. I haven't made much fodder for them lately because I haven't brought my fodder system indoors yet. I need to do that today. They love their fodder!

Are any of you planning on doing the hatch-a-long starting Dec. 11th? (BTW, that's my birthday! Send gifts of chicks! LOL) BYC is sponsoring that. They want to see how many chicks are hatched out on New Years Day! Anyone have extra fertile eggs? My rooster is still young and he is alone with 23 'of age' hens! Haven't seen him be too successful with many hens. Most are still tromping him if he approaches them! Hahahah.

Got renters coming in today. They own a pizza restaurant and have promised to bring us a pizza! Yea, dinner already made for me tonight!

Have a great day! oh yea, did any of you read about having an egg swap? I would organize it if you guys would come. Let me know.
Hey carcar ... I am doing some serious bird processing tomorrow. You know where to find me.

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