@PapaChaz You need to get some nice vent holes like mine!

that's pretty neat right there! I have the metal and the shears to do that with, I might have to try that. I'm not messing with it right now though, it's holding temps perfectly and the humidity is staying 29 or 30% with no water pan at all. I do realize that will probably change tomorrow when the rainy weather moves on out. I'm in total agreement with ohhhlala, because our old house seems to vary a lot from day to day, morning to evening, etc depending on the weather. I've noticed it more since I started hatching these eggs.

I'm still thinking I'm going to be building me an 8x12 building to use for my chicken incubating, hatching and brooding.
Oh yeah. for me, straight to the lower belly. The madeleines + the carton of icecream this week = I look 4 months pregnant. LOL

So, I told DH that i want to do the Ultimate Reset we did together a couple years ago. I need a hardcore kick in the butt. It's a 21 day detox and although it's really difficult to get through, I lost 15 pounds and I don't think I've ever felt that good before. My GERD was completely gone, my thyroid was balanced, Zero allergies that year, my skin was clear. And same for DH. I remember when we did it, it was really expensive and I thought he'd veto it. But, he did it with me to be supportive and ended up liking it even better than I did. He's been saying all along he wanted to do it yearly, but I was hesitant. Now, I feel like something's gotta give. I think we're gonna do it in a couple of weeks. Not sure if I'm mentally ready for it like I was last time. It was rough by the time we got to the last week. worth it, totally.
tell me more, where do you get it?

Crested Cream Legbars just out of the incubator. I'm really surprised to have this many hatch. The box the eggs came in looked like it had rolled down Stone Mountain and when I candled them the air pockets were torn down the sides on most of them. Most all were fertile and the veins would start on the non torn side of the air pocket but when they reached the dipped down place they quit. I don't think Ill try shipped eggs again unless they come up with a better way to ship. Anyway I'm happy to have these.

beautiful, congrats

I just amputated little sweet chicks leg. Bleeding stopped quickly. Now just have to watch for infection. She doesn't like her bandage at all! She's so tiny but is two weeks old. Send her your prayers!
Ok, I have never heard of this, so why and how will it walk?
Crested Cream Legbars just out of the incubator. I'm really surprised to have this many hatch. The box the eggs came in looked like it had rolled down Stone Mountain and when I candled them the air pockets were torn down the sides on most of them. Most all were fertile and the veins would start on the non torn side of the air pocket but when they reached the dipped down place they quit. I don't think Ill try shipped eggs again unless they come up with a better way to ship. Anyway I'm happy to have these.

beautiful! Those are on my want list!

Here are 7 of the 8 Mottled Cochin babies. #8/just hatched is drying out in the incubator. Don't worry the little bit in the corner alone ran over to the huddle as soon as I snapped the picture.
I actually have two roos and 4 hens in my breeding pen. The one I hand raised (Herbert) is a bit of a stud muffin (sorry for the slang guys). He fancies himself a ladies man despite the fact that he is a bit smaller than the other male and stays busy. I think he has a sense of bravado since he was Mama's boy for so long and had so much attention before the others were brought in to the picture.

Hebert is from stock out west while the girls & 1 Roo came from Jackson County. These are my first to start here/born here chicks vs via the post. I am no expert but I do like how my Cochins look, just a proud Mama I guess.

Thanks for the the thumbs up :)
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