1 to 2 years old and you want to retire them? LOL  a one year old hen's only been laying 6 or 7 months??? put them on craigslist and sell them as laying hens. Be honest about the age, but you should still get $12-$15 each for them.

They lay very small eggs and only about 3 a week. They are healthy girls but the eggs are so small I can't sell them.
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Hey Strangers,

It's the ghost that walks again popping up out of no where, hope all are making it through this wonderful sultry weather we have here is Georgia where the chickens pant and you change clothes throughout the day after being outside.

My Mottled Cochin buddy has been in full swing and now I have 5 little Mini Mes that need re-homing to a forever home. I know its hard for some to hear but I do invite the odd bird to dinner but I'd like to give them a chance at their own flock somewhere before that comes. They have been attempting to crow for a week now and are chasing the little girls all over the place. The big girls are teaching them manners. I'm in Loganville if anyone is interested let me know.
Hi folks...I got my new coop finished and nest boxes are ready to go in but no hurry for that. Inside picture Outside with temporary turn out until I finish my fences. They'll have an acre to free range around the lake. Panels cover the door and windows in winter time Phillip with his man bun watching over the broody hens.
Love them! I had to do some rearranging here today to clear a pen for my newest acquisitions. We got one pen empty since I'm not hatching more blue/black Ameraucanas this summer. That pen was moved to the shade and the new birds are now settling in.
Now I'm looking for a wheaten Ameraucana rooster to swap out with the splash wheaten for more wheatens in a few months.


If anyone is interested in this D'Uccle cockerel and is on fb, pass it along! I don't know this person, A friend of mine texted me about it because she knows I adore roosters. If I had the $ and knew my neighbors wouldn't object, I'd start a rooster & rabbit rescue sanctuary.
Anybody have any leghorn chicks? Hatching eggs? Young pullets? I have somebody looking for "young chicks" but has some degree of flexibility.
Anybody have any leghorn chicks?  Hatching eggs?  Young pullets?  I have somebody looking for "young chicks" but has some degree of flexibility.

Wish I could help, but all I have is one SBEL, and she's not even laying yet. If she was, I could've sent over some SBEL/Bantam EE crossed hatching eggs. I don't think that would fit your friend's requirements though, as they'd only be 1/4 Leghorn.... But they'd lay pretty blue eggs!

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