Been so busy I haven't had to share the new addition to our family..meet Beck, an English Cocker Spaniel. I think I told some of you at the get together about him ...well here he is...


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Feel like I've missed a year of posts since being tangled up with the fall out from the burglary. Positive update: we recovered the ATV & all but 1 of the guns. The fun stuff--guitars, banjos, ENO hammocks, and memorabilia have not been found, but as the sheriff pointed out--he was pretty happy because he'd never worried that someone might point a banjo at him. :lau

We are doing more coop building this weekend and teaching the babies about the pleasures of supervised free ranging and foraging.
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Side note: I will have one or two GORGEOUS crele Polish cockerels (center photo) available soon if you or someone you know may be interested. I am keeping my max and entering my best into breeding with a friend's flock.

Hope all y'all are having a great weekend!
Feel like I've missed a year of posts since being tangled up with the fall out from the burglary. Positive update: we recovered the ATV & all but 1 of the guns. The fun stuff--guitars, banjos, ENO hammocks, and memorabilia have not been found, but as the sheriff pointed out--he was pretty happy because he'd never worried that someone might point a banjo at him. :lau

We are doing more coop building this weekend and teaching the babies about the pleasures of supervised free ranging and foraging.
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Side note: I will have one or two GORGEOUS crele Polish cockerels (center photo) available soon if you or someone you know may be interested. I am keeping my max and entering my best into breeding with a friend's flock.

Hope all y'all are having a great weekend!
Glad to hear that you were able to recover some of your property. I hope you're able to recover the rest of it.
I've been MIA for a while but me and my assorted peeps are still cluckin around. New issue this spring, wondering if anyone has an out. Last spring I picked up 3 Indian Runner ducklings with assorted chicks, all was well and happy until this year. Turns out all 3 ducks are Drakes and they are...for the lack of duck girlfriends...trying to mate with my hens. Darwin would be very upset as am I. They have run off never to be seen again one of my silver laced Wyandotts and are so aggressively trying to mate with my hens that I've had to confine them to their pen. It's sad, but necessary to protect the flock. If you've stuck in with me this far...thanks and I'm getting to my point. Does any one want 3 drake runner ducks 1yr old or does anyone have female ducklings I can grow up and in eventually with the guys?

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