Yoke with no eggshell?!

It happens once in a while, so as long as it doesn't become constant no worries. You want to make sure your egg layers have access to calcium [oyster shell] is what most of us use. placed in a separate container from the feed.
How old is your duck and what all do they eat?
And there may have been a shell and the others ate the shell[extra calcium]or it was shell less like you found it.
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It happens once in a while, so as long as it doesn't become constant no worries. You want to make sure your egg layers have access to calcium [oyster shell] is what most of us use. placed in a separate container from the feed.
How old is your duck and what all do they eat?
And there may have been a shell and the others ate the shell[extra calcium]or it was shell less like you found it.
I get my grain at a local grain elevator. I feed them 2 parts All Flock pellets, 1 part cracked corn, 1 part sweet feed, and I have them add Rooster Booster pellets as well.

They are also free range on a .85 acre pond, but we're going into winter months so I don't know how much nutrients it's providing them at the moment. I did notice they are now beginning to eat more grain.

I did not know about the calcium. :'(
I don't know much about sweet feed so will rely on Kiki for what it is.
All flock pellets should be their main diet with cracked corn as only a treat. Treats should only be 10% of their feed for the day. Oyster shell is necessary so they don't deplete the calcium they use to make those nice hard egg shells. But don't put it in their feed just place it close by their feed so they can eat it as needed.
I don't know much about sweet feed so will rely on Kiki for what it is.
All flock pellets should be their main diet with cracked corn as only a treat. Treats should only be 10% of their feed for the day. Oyster shell is necessary so they don't deplete the calcium they use to make those nice hard egg shells. But don't put it in their feed just place it close by their feed so they can eat it as needed.
I can't imagine their shell being much harder!! They are a booger to crack open compared to chicken eggs. I wonder if they eat snails in their shells from the pond... there is an abundance for them. Their yoke is dark, more orange than yellow, and they taste amazing. The yoke and white can be difficult to blend for scrambled eggs... is that normal?

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