Young Cockerel HUMPING THINGS!!!


May 10, 2020
Has anyone ever seen this kind of behaviour before...?


Yesterday, Zasu humped a rug... and today, he’s tried to touch tails with my slipper 🤣

Obviously we thought it was hilarious... any thoughts or suggestions?

(My friend made the Tiktok of the video... unfortunately the photo is blurry as he was moving to fast 🤣)
My house rooster used to hump everything when he was young...

The floor. Anything soft left on the floor like a towel or a slipper.
The dog's feet. The dog's toy. He especially loved the stuffed Frankenstein.
My feet. My roommate's feet.

He grew out of it and we're all happy about it. Except for Frankie. He's feeling a little lonely these days.
He’s a growing boy with no hens... Young growing cockerels are very hormonal.
Oh yes, we are aware of that... and we think we have a new home lined up... he’s a lovely boy except for the new humping!
We have 6 hens, but already have a “head” cockerel... and skittish Zasu just can’t compete!

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