Young Layer Hen: Only got 3 eggs in the last 3 months. Why?

Amy's Animals

10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Southern Oregon
I hatched out a pullet last February that I named "Speedo". Her daddy's a Rhode Island Red and her mommy's an Easter Egger, some pretty good laying genetics, I would say. Now the thing is, Speedo layed her first egg, ohh back in June I believe. She didn't lay her second egg until more than two weeks later, and layed her third egg two days after her second egg. This was like 6 weeks ago, maybe more, and no eggs since. What is the problem here? She is getting exactly the same kindda stuff as my other hens are, and they are laying just fine. She is not molting, weather doesn't make any difference (she doesn't lay whether its 100 degrees or just 65), shes is not bullied by other chickens, she's not hiding her eggs. Just a perfectly healthy, good looking chicken. You look at her abdomen and say "Wow that chicken must be one hell of a good layer". Apparently, looks can be deceiving. I would have culled her if it weren't for the fact she lays beautiful olive green eggs. Does anyone have an answer to her strange behavior? Thanks to anyone willing to try
Lots of people I've talked to seem to be getting less eggs the last couple of months.

I have no idea why. It doesn't seem to be limited by breed or location.

I bought a bunch of chicks in March, then another hatch a few weeks ago, so I got rid of most of my older flock and only kept four laying Brahma hens (about a year and a half old).

In the last six weeks, I've had a total of eight eggs.
my Cuckoo Marans isn't a great layer either. she was hatched april 12th....and use to lay 2 on, 2 off, now she hardly lays at all! could it have something to do with the poor economy? lol.....kidding.....
You look at her abdomen and say "Wow that chicken must be one hell of a good layer"

Unfortunately this is a clue that she may be laying internally. Please do some searches on this topic. So sorry.​

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