What is a Roosting Perch?

Roosts are places where chickens gather to rest or sleep. It is quite common to see wild birds congregating in a tree at night (usually in a regular place).

Our flock of chickens is no different. To feel safe at night, they need roosting perches. Chickens will naturally seek out high spots for sleeping in the coop, even if there are no predators. These roosts are where chickens line up to sleep.

In the pecking order, the lowest guys are at either end. They often sleep with one eye open to keep an eye out for predators. In the middle, the chickens can shut both their eyes. Chickens' brains are capable of shutting one side down at a time, making them both awake and asleep at the same time.

When we build a chicken coop, we have to make sure there are enough roosting bars for them to rest on at night. Based on the size of your chickens, the roost height will vary. It is important to have slightly lower perches for heavy breeds so they can jump down without damaging their feet or legs. The majority of bantams fly exceptionally well, so they enjoy high perches.

It is important to provide different heights of perches for mixed flocks to keep everyone happy.

Why Do Chickens Roost?

For protection against predators, chickens will roost. In the pecking order, the highest-ranking chickens will seek out the highest perches, while the lowest-ranking chickens will take the leftover areas.

Nesting on the ground also invites some of the smaller predators to take advantage of sleeping chickens. A hungry rat will bite and nibble at their toes, tails, and backs. On the ground, ticks, mites, and lice can also be found, which makes for an uncomfortable night's sleep. At night, they emerge from the straw or litter to feed on chickens.

You have a decent chance of having mites if your hens are reluctant to go to the roost at night.

You should also consider that chickens lying on the ground will likely be laying on poop or dirt. Slumbering in poop is not sanitary.

Lastly, roosting gives chickens a sense of safety, which is crucial for them to sleep well and get a good night's sleep.

It is common for chickens to retreat to a perch when they are feeling poorly or molting.

How High Does A Roost Need To Be?

It is recommended that perches be raised no less than 18 inches off the floor while still providing an ample amount of headroom for birds to jump and fly. A slightly lower perch (twelve inches) is recommended for heavier chickens to prevent leg and foot injuries.

Perches that are lower to the ground may be needed for old or disabled chickens. These birds will do best when they have a perch two to three inches off the ground.

In the case of mixed flocks, you can assign different levels of perches to each, much like staircases or ladders. On a ladder, the perches could be spaced at six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four inches apart. It provides your hens with plenty of space and allows them to sit where they want.

What Should Roosts Be Made Of?

Plastic is the most common material used to make pre-made roosts. The durable, lightweight, and easy to clean plastics can be used for years. Unless it comes with your coop, you should probably avoid plastic roosts, as plastic can warp or break over time. Wood is the most common material used. In addition to its durability and ability to be well cleaned, it is sturdy enough for several chickens. A 2x4inch length cut to size is the most commonly used size.

How Much Roosting Space Should Chicks Have?

It is recommended that each chicken has an eight-inch roosting space. A good starting point is eight inches, although the number will vary from coop to coop and season to season. The more space you give them on their perches, the more likely that they can flap their wings without knocking their neighbor off their perch.

Chickens that are extra-large require a bit more space, while bantams require significantly less space.

What Size Should They Be?

Perches should be wide enough for chickens to be able to stand on their feet without feeling unsteady. An ideal piece of wood is a 2x4 inch wide side-up piece.

Birds as large as the Jersey Giant can sit upright without wobbling. A chicken's feet and legs are the only parts of its body left exposed while it sleeps. The birds can sit on a 2*4 quite happily and cover their toes in their feathers when they sit down.

The chickens will have difficulty balancing and often cannot sleep at all on thin roosts. Only lighter breeds of birds, such as bantams, should use thinner perches (such as stiff tree limbs). All splinters and rough areas should be removed from these limbs to prevent Bumblefoot.

You have pretty much-unlimited options when it comes to choosing the length of a perch. It's best for them all to roost on the same roost because chickens like to roost together. You can also build a ladder-type perch if you are limited by the length of your coop, where you arrange the perches ascending in length.

For birds with disabilities, the bottom rung of a ladder-type perch is an ideal place.

Where Should The Roost Be Located?

It is important to keep your chickens' roosts inside the coop, but away from nest boxes and feeding stations. The ideal distance between them and the wall is about eighteen inches.

The top rungs of a ladder perch will rest almost against a wall. By doing so, you can place your boards under the poop boards and catch the manure droppings overnight. To ensure poop boards are cleaned regularly, make sure they are easily accessible. Having trouble accessing them will turn it into a chore you really dislike.

Building Materials?

What is the best type of material to use among all the ones available?

The use of metal is not recommended because it will be too cold in winter and too hot in summer.

Wood is still the most popular material. It is simple to work with, durable, and readily available. Recycled lumber can be used as long as toxic chemicals have not been used on it.

Common Roost Problems

Perches for chickens can have some issues.

1. Stable and strong roosts are crucial to the health of your flock.

When overloaded (or weak), they may actually snap. The pile-up of chickens can cause injuries to some chickens and may lead to injuries to all of your chickens. If your perch isn't held in place securely, the same thing can happen.

2. Roosts are also often unfinished and rough, which is another problem.

Bumblefoot can result from this, as well as sores on their keels. Cuts on the feet can become infected with bacteria causing bumblefoot. The result is an infected foot due to splinters and rough areas on the perches. There are also cases where a bumpy or uneven perch can cause keel sores. It is important to make sure the perches on your birdhouse are smooth and well-matched so that you do not cause irritation to the bird when she roosts.

3. Are the perches easily accessible to your chickens?

Access to roosts should be taken into consideration when raising chickens. Is it possible for them to fly or jump directly to them? Obstacles can sometimes make them land awkwardly if they are in the way.

4. It is not uncommon for hens to refuse to roost.

Young pullets usually have this problem. It will be necessary to place them on perches so they know where to sleep. You may have to repeat this several times. As the youngsters don't necessarily want to be next to the older hens, having more than one roosting bar is essential.

5. Insufficient room for roosting.

A few chickens may choose to bed down on the ground if there is not enough room on their chicken roost. More roosts must be built to accommodate your flock.

6. Dirty roosts.

It is best if your perches are removable so that you can clean them periodically. It is important that you remove all the perches every month to give them a thorough cleaning as little nasty critters (such as mites) love to hide there.


An essential yet very simple piece of equipment is the roosting bar. During the night, chickens enjoy roosting for their safety. This trait is ingrained in them, so providing sturdy perches they can access for sleeping is an important part of their care.

Providing sufficient roosting spots with a few extra should be possible with a bit of care and planning. On the perch, they don't always remain in the same location. In some cases, this may be caused by them moving up or down in the pecking order, but for the most part, the reason why they don't maintain their roosting positions is uncertain.

It shouldn't take more than a few hours to build and install your perch.