So often I read here about someone getting a shed or a coop and they post pictures and it gets pointed out that the eaves are either non existent or not big enough. The overhangs ideally should help keep the coop dry because a well thought out coop has lots of 24/7 ventilation.

So this is the method I use, I make what my carpenter friend, who has forgotten more than I have ever learned about building calls "lookouts" to carry the plywood to extend the overhang.

So this A-frame had NO overhang on the one side, it was actually made with the idea that another section would add on to it on this side. Here it is when it was being unloaded...


So in order to add eaves (same process as extending short eaves) I added 2x6 lookouts, here is a pic of one installed before plywood...


So as you can see, I cut out a 2x6 notch just under the plywood, I used a 2x6 scrap to mark the spots and used a drill and a jigsaw to cut out the opening. Then I used a sledge hammer and knocked the pre-cut 2x6 through the slot until it hit the first rafter inside. Here is a pic from inside...


I then nailed through the rafter into the end of the 2x6, I also nailed through the edge of the roof plywood into the top of the lookout. After installing all 8 of them, extending 24" out I was almost ready to add the plywood....


Once I put up 1/2 the plywood I decided it needed nailers on the inside edge to nail the plywood to and spread the load. It will be getting fascia so it will need to carry that as well.


So here it is ready to install the fascia then the metal roof. Thanks @aart for inspiring me to write this, for always pointing out that we need big overhangs on our coops!


This A-Frame was intended to be a tiny house, never finished and was given to me:) . It will make a fine coop when it gets finished.

Must. Finish. Coop.

Thanks for reading this.