How To Introduce New Chickens to an Existing Flock

A beautifully and even professionally written article! I was thinking of writing an article myself on this very topic for a contest, and I read this one just to get my creative juices flowing. But I am in awe! I don't feel that I can write an article good enough to stand beside this one! It is comprehensive yet easy to read. It flows beautifully. I love the summary at the end. It's one of (if not the) best articles I've read here. Thank you.
Great info! I've got chicks coming this week and my other hens are 4 months old so I'm excited to introduce them!
Great information 👍
I have different breeds, each has their own section. When a hen from each was bullied, I created a whole new section & all of them get along. It's weird how a flock can get along well for years, then suddenly decide they don't like "that one" anymore. I learned that bullying can happen later on, after years of congeniality...go figure. My senior section of previously bullied ladies also has a sweet Buff Orpington Roo. They have their personalities & moods too! ❤️
Plenty of good information!
Very well written-lots of great tips and information!
Good information especially when it comes to.mix flocks and roosters
Very well done
Great tips!
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