Do you enjoy waffles? Want a simple recipe for breakfast? Here is a super easy and quick waffle recipe. It is my staple breakfast food, and (if you ask me) the best waffle recipe! (However I am biased as I made the recipe) Enjoy!

6 tbsp. butter
2 large eggs
2 cups buttermilk
24 oz. raspberries
3/4 cup chocolate chips (sweetened, any kind)
1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)
2 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
3 tbsp. sugar
Cooking oil spray


Large mixing bowl
Flat whisk
Measuring spoons
Measuring cups
Waffle maker(s)

Melt the butter. Set it aside to cool
Whisk the two large eggs in the mixing bowl
Add the 2 cups of buttermilk and whisk
Once the butter is cool, add it to the eggs and buttermilk and whisk. Make sure the butter is cool otherwise the eggs will scramble
Add the chocolate chips, and if you want, walnuts. Whisk together


Add the raspberries. Mush some of the raspberries with the mix but not all of them, just enough for the batter to turn pink
Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and sugar and whisk. Mix only to combine, do not over mix or the batter won't rise and your waffles will be too dense
Let the batter rise for 10 minutes


Meanwhile, plug in your waffle makers so they can heat up
Spray the cooking oil spray on both surfaces so your waffles don't get stuck. You will need to do this every couple of waffles
After the batter has risen, ladle it into your waffle maker.


There are different cooking directions needed for different waffle makers so I can't supply them

After all your waffles are made, enjoy! They taste best fresh out of the waffle maker, but if you want to reheat them you should toast them. If you microwave them they get soggy :sick , and nobody likes soggy waffles

