Round Wood Forest Coop

Amazing coop, and well-written article :)
Absolutely stunning. Maybe one day I'll build something as magnificent. Great write-up too!
Definitely the most beautiful coop I've ever seen! Thank so much for sharing!
Wow, just wow!! :love Beautifully done, very well built, pleasing to the human AND the chicken eye, just awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
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Reactions: Dusty Chicken
Well that is just amazing! Such a beautiful build! They take time to make but wow! Just Wow 🤩
Absolutely gorgeous! I've been into moss roofs for quite a while but never considered one for a coop, very cool. I also love the shingling. It's all so clean, both in the sense of tidiness and design. Nice and big too. Thanks for sharing the process! :love
This is awesome, can you build me a house? Seriously this is fabulous!
Just stunning 😍! Beautiful design and I loved your explanation of the steps involved. I'm so jealous lol!!!
Extremely beautiful. Love the shape. The mulifunctionality and the sedum roof.
What a cute coop and a great article!
What a gorgeous coop. One of the best I've ever seen.
This is a work of art. I am too happy for you to be jealous, thankfully. :D
beautiful and unique coop. The cupola makes the design complete. I’m curious how the moss held up?
Dusty Chicken
Dusty Chicken
The moss roof has been evolving, some panels get more sun than others. The front panel over the doors has gotten the most sun so I have been tossing up sedums periodically to help fill in the bare areas. I will see if I can upload a new picture!
What a remarkable structure! Great photo-documentation, lacking only plan drawings and dimensions.

I particularly love the cupola -- perfect draft-free, overhead ventilation.
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Reactions: TwoCrows
Dusty Chicken
Dusty Chicken
Thank you so much for your review. One of biggest lesson's learned is it is better to draw up plans first instead of the design as you go approach.
What a beatiful building and nice article
This coop looks fantastic! I love the color of it, and impressed that you built it yourself! The article was also very well presented, with lots of pictures explaining how it was built. I am happy that it was shared with us.
Dusty Chicken
Dusty Chicken
Thank you so much for the compliment. It was a very rainy day today so I ended up puttering in the barn this afternoon. I spent the afternoon getting 'my' side all tidy and organized. I am hoping to take some updated photos soon.
What a fantastic coop!
Dusty Chicken
Dusty Chicken
Thank you, it is so much fun having a bigger coop!
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