What Is The Life Expectancy of Chickens?

Thanks for this informative post. Three years ago we ventured into the world of chicken keeping and bought 13 hybrids from Tractor Supply. Most are Golden comets, Isa Browns, and Easter Egger, and leghorn/gray cross. All are mixed breeds. We knew mothing. Had no idea they would be phenomenal egg producers but live short lives, dying by about 3 years. Very sad. We have only 7 of the original 13 left and have very sadly buried the first 6.
We take very good care of our girls and when they show signs of illness we have researched and bought the correct treatments to try to keep them alive and healthy. Feed them good feed, healthy treats -- they have had good lives.
Now when we replace a few of them (8-10 is a good flock for us) we'll stick to heritage breeds. We can certainly live with fewer eggs and less reproductive disease. Thank you. This confirms what I've been slowly learning.
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Very informative! I also learned something new - human women live longer than men.
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Very well written and informative. Well done!
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Amazing article!
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Very informative article.
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