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  • Good Morning
    I recently read a response you gave to dealing with CL. I am kind of freaking out. I have two goats both of whom I suspect to be pregnant due in June. Any realistic advise you can share would be appreciated. thanks
    Do your goats have abscesses? I wrote something on the control and eradication of CL. If you send me your snail mail address I will send you a copy.
    I did ALOT of googling when the lump first appeared because it got so big. Id say it was baseball size, her hair fell out then greeish blue puss came out. I took her away from the barn and drained it. seemed like it would never stop. did that two days. I called a friend who is a vet and she said euthanize them and dont get goats for atleast a year.
    [email protected]
    We use the milk for everything. I didnt find anything def on consuming the milk from a goat with this. your thoughts?
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