Reviews by Chick_In_The_Burbs

Pros: Holds temp like a champ, inexpensive
Cons: Thermometer/hydrometer on unit is Significantly Off
This is my first hatch ever but so far everything is going great! Once you get the temp set (use internal thermometers for actual temp, NOT the gauges on the incubator) it holds like a dream. I have had zero fluxes in temp and humidity holds easily as well. I also had an issue seeing the water wells with the turner in but I solved that with a few drops of food coloring in the water. :)

Very easy to use. I have shipped eggs in right now and I have defined development in 15 plus 4 others are likely out of 22. Loving it!
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Pros: Tons of information, easy to read
I bought this book when I was debating whether or not to get into chickens. It was a great help! With the knowledge I gained from this book I was better able to understand the advantages, pitfalls, and expenses of chicken ownership. It helped me pick my first breeds based on what I wanted and what breeds would thrive in my climate, how many to get, what kind of coop I wanted, everything! An excellent choice for anyone just getting into, or thinking about getting into, chicken ownership!
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Pros: Cheap
Cons: Never hatched a thing.
I was desperate, I ordered some eggs online and they were sending a few more than my hen could comfortably cover. So I figured this thing was perfect. I could place three eggs (bantam) in it and then after an egg or two didn't develop under my hen at 10 days I could swap for whatever developed in the bator. No dice. Admittably I am a newbie at incubating eggs but yeesh. I figure you can probably get a 50/50 or so hatch rate out of this but maintaining temp was a problem, there is no way to check humidity and if you want to see the temperature you either need to put the thermometer on top of the eggs somehow or only put two in and use the 3rd's space for temp monitoring. There were likely other issues too but I won't be touching this thing again.
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Pros: Fun to watch, good sized eggs, sweet temperament
Cons: Rate of laying, timid in pecking order
My Cher was a bright spot in my flock, she was a skitzy feather head who would do the funniest things. However, I was never able to integrate her with my full size flock as she was so terrified she was almost injuring herself trying to hide/escape. And she was never friendly with me. I think that was more to do with having bought her full grown from a breeder who didn't seem to socialize his birds much. She never bit or pecked me though, even when she was horribly sick. I would love to have another some day.
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Pros: Personality, egg production
Cons: Health (hatchery)
I had three EEs, one died at fifteen months of age from a massive tumor. The other two are still with me and are very confident and happy birds. They are the top two in the pecking order and Scrambles (head hen) keeps my Sussex bully in line.

When I let them into the yard they would follow me around. When I come out of the house they run up to the run fencing and cackle their greetings. They are always the first to say hello. I raised them since they were about three days old.

I get about four or five eggs a week from them (each) and I love the extra color in my cartons. My girls are currently about two years old.
Pros: Reliable layer, pretty
Cons: Flighty, timid, small eggs
My hamburg is beautiful but is so flighty and timid that she actually made herself into a target. It took almost a month for her to calm down enough for the big girls to accept her when we integrated the new girls in. She gives us about 4 eggs a week and so far hasn't stopped this year.
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Pros: Good layer, beautiful
Cons: Aggressive, bully
I only have one Sussex but she is a massive bully. She picks on the two lowest birds in the run. The poor hamburg's tail is starting to look tattered. I am actually looking at rehoming her because she is sooo mean to smaller birds. And she has tried to bite my son's toes on the occasions when I have caried him into the run while opening the coop door( he was wearing footy pajamas which she did get a hold of and is just over a year old)

She does give us about four or five eggs a week. And she is a stunner looks wise.
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Pros: Exellent layer, calm, beautiful
Cons: Is easily picked on by other hens
I have one Australorp and she is a beautiful egg laying machine! She is the mellowest of my large fowl girls and gives me five to six eggs a week.
Pros: Adorable, can be broody, sweet temperament
Cons: Not the brightest, sporadic / low count layer
I love my two little bantam brahmas, one light and one buff. They are the sweetest, cutest chickens I have ever owned and I have owned EE's, Australorps, Sussex, and Hamburg. They are flat adorable really.

One just hatched 6/8 eggs and is an excellent momma! However they have been such sporadic layers that I didn't even notice when she started hoarding eggs. She had eight, we figure five days of gathering with donations from her sister based on egg shades.

As to the "not the brightest" comment. Neither one of them could figure out how to get up the ramp into the eglu we had. We even modified it to improve the angle and make it a solid ramp, ground to door. Every night for six months we crawled under the coop to pull them out and put them in the coop. We ended up getting a lower coop with a lower angle on the rungs. It still took them two weeks to figure it out.
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