Reviews by Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies

Amazingly sweet and to-be layers
Pros: Very cute
Much more weather tolerant than my silkies
Very sweet as well
Lay well in my friend's experience
Cutest chicks EVER
The muffs are too cute
Colorful eggs!!! What's not to love?
Cons: A bit smelly
Always jumping out of brooder because why wouldn't they
Easter Eggers are one of my favorite breeds, and I wanted to get them for a while. I got 3 chicks a week ago, and I absolutely love them! Very sweet and adventurous. Would recommend to a first time chicken owner.
Purchase Price
20$ for 3 chicks
Purchase Date
Jan 11, 2023


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Great treats!
Pros: Good size for a small flock
Big hit with the hens
Waterproof container
Cons: Probably too small for a large flock
I use these, as well as another brand, for my mealworms. These come in a nice container, and are easy to distribute. Makes it a shame I haven't bought any in a while.
Anyway, great product!
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Great for a few chickens
Pros: Good for a few chickens
Can get them all fed
Cons: Not good for lots of chickens
Can't hold a lot
(Kinda) Cheap plastic
The person that hatched my chicks (which I was friends with) used this for their chicks. It works very well for small birds and chicks
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Funny and educational
Pros: BYC helped write
Very educational
A bit of humor in the name
Cons: None
I got this book as a gift from my parents for Christmas as I had just started with chickens. I really enjoyed reading it and it helped a lot!
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Silly, but good
Pros: Silly looking
Pretty nice
Good climate tolerance
Cons: Gets cold a bit faster
Not very good layers
I like turkens, mostly because they helped make showgirl silkies. They're also pretty nice but can go a bit crazy. Not great layers but are still great birds! I wouldn't suggest them for a beginner flock though.
Good ornamental breed.
Pros: Thick legs
Very broody
Pretty heavy birds
Cons: Looks a little goofy
Not the greatest egg production
Very good for ornamental purposes! Pretty breeds, and the legs will always make me laugh.
Not great laying chickens.
Good review, just not enough info.
Great meat and egg birds
Pros: Lots of large, white eggs
Cute little hens
Loud(er) crows
Great climate tolerance
We love the colors
Cons: Loud(er) crows
LOTS of clucking
Good breed, great for meat and eggs. The hens are what you think of when you think of hens. The combs are a nice touch as well. They do pretty well with other breeds.

Very good review, good job on that!
Pros: Great for eggs and meat
Stereotypical roos
Very pretty
Not very broody
Cons: Males are kind of aggressive
Great birds! The roos are very pretty and the hens are very sweet.
These are the birds you think of when you think of a rooster.
Great review, love it, good job!
The perfect mid chickens
Pros: Docile
Good for both eggs and meat
Love the cheek fluffs
Cons: Not large eggs
Not a lot of eggs (Still good for eggs though)
I love americaunas, and they are definitely a good breed to get for eggs and meat. Very sweet when trained.
Lots of colors and once more, we love the cheek fluffs.
Great review, love it! Good job.
Great Ornamental Breed
Pros: Pretty nice
Very good looking
Cons: Small eggs
Low egg production
Not very weather resistant
I love Seramas, they're very good for ornamental purposes!
Not great for eggs, but let's be honest, who's getting Seramas for eggs anyways?
Lots of pretty colors as well, and can be sweet when trained.
Great review of Seramas, good job!
Great Breed
Pros: Very pretty
Nice Brown eggs
Super nice
Cons: Less eggs
Large bird; needs more food
I love cochins! They look super cute and are very sweet chickens. They seem like they are fat, but it's mostly just fluff.
I love the review, it's very well written!
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Reactions: Jenbirdee and Amer
Some really great chickens
Pros: Super cute
Normally sweet
Great pets
Not as loud (Some)
Cons: Small eggs
Roosters are extra nippy
Not very weatherproof
I have 3 bantams - silkies in fact. They're super sweet and are around 5 inches tall when standing normally. I absolutely love them. They do not lay as many eggs, but most people buying bantams do not get them for the eggs. I fully suggest adding bantams of any kind to your group.
Purchase Price
Free :P
Purchase Date
April 12, 2023
Cute though strange
Pros: Adorable
Fluffy (!!!)
Cons: Looks a little funky
May get too hot or cold
Super sweet breed; but they look so strange!
Just like silkies but without feathers on their necks.
Super awesome chickens!
Purchase Price
Free :P
Purchase Date
April 12, 2023
Naked neck x silkie. Cute.
Yep! I love them as I have one. They look super crazy though.
Nicest, cutest, and fluffiest babies ever.
Pros: Amazing pets, great hatchers, sweet, can be kept in a smaller space.
Cons: Low egg production and eggs are small. Also take up to a year of age to start laying.
I have a few and I love them to death. Got to say that they're my fav breed. They take a long, long time to lay though.
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