Reviews by mesalina87


Super Admin
Pros: excellent chicken: good flock bird, quiet and docile, great egg layer of large eggs, even tempered, love to be in your company when raised and handled when hatched
Cons: none
These are a beautiful chicken. Soft plumage that put me in the mind of a golden retriever color. They laid beautiful brown eggs. Would love to sit with me in the yard and get on my lap. Very gentle chicken.


Pros: Beautiful egg layer
Cons: skittish
I had one given to me 3 years ago. She was an older hen, about 2 when I got her. She was people shy and would hide from you. She laid the most beautiful green eggs and everyone wanted them. She laid about 5 eggs a week. When I let the flock she would run like crazy after bugs. She lived for 2 years after I had her. Looking to get one in a few years.
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Super Admin
Pros: Docile, sweet, quiet, cold hardy, egg laying machines.
Cons: none
I has a rooster named Duke and a hen named Raven a while back. What a beautiful chicken. Beautiful black glossy feathers with green/purple/blue tinges of color. Duke very protective of the girls and would call them when he found something good to eat. She laid all year and into the winter. They are quiet, cold hardy, dual chicken. Duke was a big boy, came up to my mid thigh. These are wonderful chickens for anyone to have.
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