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  • The Chicken Health Bible
    5.00 star(s)
    A must have for all chicken owners
    My darling hubby bought this for me (perhaps I talk too much) and I didn’t do a minute of housework for a week. It’s absolutely fascinating. So...
    • Loving my girls

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Isaac 0
Across the country, backyard birds are a growing trend-an extension of the urban farming movement. With just a little land and available water, you can raise all kinds of domestic fowl: ducks and geese, as well as turkeys, guinea fowl, quails, and peacocks. Celia Lewis's Illustrated Guide to...
Isaac 0
BOOK 1 - REARING RABBITS 1. Choosing Your Rabbits: With so many rabbits to choose from how do you know what is best for you and your particular plans? Here you will find a selection of the most popular rabbit breeds., whether choosing your rabbits for the best meat production, pelts or indeed...
Isaac 0
Big, beautiful and full of personality, Muscovy ducks are increasingly popular pets for families. Whether you prefer watching them bathing in their pond, prowling for insects on the lawn or teaching their ducklings the ways of the world, these birds are sure to warm your heart and bring a smile...
Isaac 0
This insightful book covers all aspects of backyard duck raising from selecting a breed and buying ducks to housing, feeding, and health. It includes a description of the common breed suitable for any backyard. The peculiarity of each breed, their egg-laying capacity and their potential as table...
Isaac 0
Of all the pets that you can have, the duck is one of the most interesting one. These pets are different from regular pets like cats or dogs as they are not the most expressive of the lot. However, they have the ability to be the perfect companions as they can be calm and quite attached to their...
Isaac 0
Globally, the way the animal production industry copes with infectious diseases is changing. The (excessive) use of antimicrobials is under debate and it is becoming standard practice to implement thorough biosecurity plans on farms to prevent the entry and spread of pathogenic micro-organisms...
Isaac 0
This book is talking about how to disinfect your farm, examination of the actual concentration of the active principle of the disinfectants, also the effect of contact time after the disinfection process to kill pathogens. The foam has an essential role for reduction of total bacterial count...
Isaac 0
Probiotics are live microbial feed supplements that beneficially affect the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance. The microorganisms come from a whole range of defined strains of probiotics belonging to the groups of lactic acid bacteria, Bacillus spores, and yeasts. Research in...
Isaac 0
Addition of fats or oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids in poultry diets is a straightforward approach to enrich poultry products with polyunsaturated fatty acids. Consequently, there has been a great interest in using different types of fats, oils or oil seeds as feed additives in poultry...
Isaac 0
Vaccination is one of the cornerstones of poultry production. In fact,it is one of the aspects that most influence production parameters in the poultry industry. In broilers, the optimum time of vaccination should aim at obtaining the maximum meat yield. In layers and breeders, both time and the...
Isaac 0
This book is intended for diagnosticians and poultry veterinarians to aid in the identification and control of immunosuppressive diseases. The goal of this work is to present the reader with the most common diseases that can produce immunosuppression in poultry, provide guidance for the...
Isaac 0
The tenth edition of Diseases of Poultry is a thorough update of a sourcebook that has sold more than 57,000 copies in previous editions. Chapters by contributing experts discuss recent advances and research, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and control of avian diseases and other conditions...
Isaac 0
This practical research text provides an invaluable resource for all animal and veterinary scientists designing, analyzing, and interpreting results from nutrition and feed experiments in pigs and poultry. The emphasis throughout is on the practical aspects of designing nutrition experiments...
Isaac 0
This new reference work provides a comprehensive, critical review of literature and current practice in poultry breeding and genetics. The authors invited to contribute to the book have all been carefully chosen from the world community of poultry scientists and scholars to ensure that...
Isaac 0
Now in its sixth edition, Poultry Diseases is once again fully revised with the addition of vital new material. It remains the standard reference work on health and disease for those involved in the poultry industry, government and veterinary education. Following a familiar structure, readers of...
Isaac 0
this book documents the significant developments that have been made in our understanding of the importance of the integument to poultry species
Isaac 0
The aim of this new manual is to provide good quality information to help veterinarians provide the level of care to backyard birds that clients expect and deserve.
Isaac 0
ackyard Poultry Medicine and Surgery is a practical resource offering guidance on developing diagnostic and treatment plans for individual companion poultry or small flocks.
Isaac 0
Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook, Ninth Edition updates the most complete, detailed, and trusted source of drug information relevant to veterinary medicine.
Isaac 0
Avian presents complete information on diseases and conditions seen in birds in a quick-reference format ideal for clinical practice.
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