

They were developed in the US as another white skinned white egg layer.

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
They are most widely known as barred, but they do also come in white.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Holland is a rather rare breed, unusual in that it is a non-Mediterranean class breed that lays white eggs. It is an excellent dual-purpose breed and a good laying hen with a calm, quiet temperament. It is becoming popular with small flock owners looking for a calmer white egg layer to add to a mixed flock for a colorful egg basket.

They are a good sized bird that is slow growing, but are good free range birds and excellent foragers. They are single combed with medium sized comb and wattles. They are quite weather hardy, tolerating both heat and cold. They come in two colors, barred and white, though barred is the primary color today. The hens will brood occasionally and they are excellent mothers.

They were developed in the 1930’s by the Rutgers University Breeding Farm in New Jersey, USA as a dual-purpose white egg layer, in response to the American market’s preference for white table eggs, since at that time all other dual-purpose breeds were brown egg layers. Various breeds were used in its development including birds imported from Holland (hence the name). Imports including The North Holland Blue as well as local Leghorns, Australorps and Barred Plymouth Rocks were used to create the Barred Holland. It was first introduced to the public in 1934.

It was recognized by the APA in 1949 and is on The Livestock Conservancy’s list as a breed in Critical status.

Holland eggs

Holland chicks

Holland juvenile

Holland hen

Holland rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-holland.1022794/
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Latest reviews

Pros: Kind to most birds, mild temperament, good layer
Cons: Can be food-agressive
I got one with my original four birds (a d'uccle mix, a d'Anvers roo, a Barred Rock and the Holland) and through many flock additions and flock shakeups she's been a pretty and kind bird. She lays a cream-colored, almost white egg regularly and has only stopped because of molt and snow. My only complaint is that she is a food hog during feeding time and can peck at flock mates if she thinks they are too close to her share of the food. Otherwise she's a lovely bird to own and earns her keep.
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Pros: Great layers of XXL eggs, VERY calm, extremely friendly, non bird-aggressive, good foragers, HARDY!
Cons: None. What so ever.
The Holland is one of those dreamy, perfect breeds for every owner of a mixed flock or the person who desires good producing birds that are friendly and low-stress.

This is a breed that EVERYONE should own.

Not only are they beautiful, unflinchingly calm, quiet and sedate, they're great layers of XXL white eggs. Extremely hardy, they've done superbly well for me in a so. KY climate - winters below 0 with windchill, snow, and ice, and summers well over 100 degrees with humidity so bad you can't hardly breathe. They're great in coops or as freeranging foragers. Best of all? They fit in GREAT in just about any flock, and are just as personable with people as they are other chickens. I adore this breed!

And it's not like they're hard to look at either.
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Pros: Calm, not easily frightened, not aggressive. Dependable layers of med sized white (some lay creme colored) eggs
Cons: My Roo is aggressive toward the other Roos.
Have Teenagers now no eggs yet. Hope to Repost Later

Repost 4-7-13
They are beautifully barred birds, not flighty, not afraid, but not super friendly. . . . My Roo is aggressive to other roos, but not to humans. He's also a little rough on the hens. Their numbers are declining, I plan to continue with them.
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Do you breed them? Offer hatching eggs? I've been interested in this breed because of the very things you've said about them!
Currently I'm working with the stock we received from Ideal Poultry last year. I just hatched some chicks from the one year old hens just to see what we have. My hens are all laying creamy beige eggs, not full white. I'm not sure if that will improve with the 2nd generation or not. Probably not. I'm looking for hatching eggs to improve that situation.
However, if you aren't concerned with egg color and would be happy having some wonderful chickens in your flock, I should have some hatching eggs ready pretty soon. (Just as soon as I have enough incubated for our stock this year). Just let me know if you are interested and I'll update you as soon as I have some available.
I'm not concerned with egg color at all. We have a Welsumer, an Americauna, three auburn Javas, and 9 Barnevelders. If these eggs are creamy white, we should be able to tell which ones they are. Are the Hollands broody at all? We've had trouble getting stock that will raise their own chicks, which we never had problems with when we had bantams. If you'd like to contact me via email, my email is [email protected] Our sheep website is http://www.icelandicsheepworld.com just to give you a better idea of who we are and what we do. Please do update me?
I have 16 chicks and 3 roosters.The roosters started crowing couple of days now. They are 3 months old now.I can not wait for my ladies to start laying eggs.They are sweet and loving chicks.
Little late chiming in here, but I'm in western KY and was wondering where you got your birds?

They seem like a breed that would mesh with my family wonderfully.

Had to laugh over what you said about KY humidity, boy you hit the nail on the head with that one, lol!
I ordered mine from Ideal Poultry. I've never had much of any problem with ideal; as usual, their production breeds tend to be over-aggressive, and they falsely advertise their "Americanas". But other than that, I have no complaints. I've only ever lost one chick after shipping from the multiple orders I've placed, and most of the birds I ordered had great temperaments and were hardy - my biggest concerns.

They're great birds from my experience. They only two breeds that would rival with the Holland for my favorite are the Faverolle and the Sussex.
In General Information it says "They were developed in the US", but that's not right. As the name already says, the originate from Holland.

The North Holland Blue takes its name from the colour – which has a bluish tint from a distance – and the Dutch province where the breed originally bred is: North Holland. The breed is bred in Assendelft, a village in the municipality of Zaanstad, and is at the beginning of the twentieth century for the first time described. The Blues were especially bred because there was a lot of demand for chicken meat from Amsterdam. The Assendelfts breeders came up with the North Holland Blue. These chickens, broilers, originated from crosses between local beef breeds and poultry from Belgium.

Anyway, they are great big animals. Always relaxed. As soon as I came in the coop one of them always came to me and sat on my shoulder :)
Unfortunaltly mr. Fox paid them a visit and killed them all. Two weeks ago I had 8 of them in my brooder. They grow up very fast and this weekend I will let them out in the (now foxproof) coop.

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